Chapter 2- running

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I was pulsing with adrenaline as I watched Damien Kelley straighten back up and look at me with hateful eyes. "Oh you're so done!" He lunged for me.

Luckily sense my senses and reflexes were heightened at the moment I easily jumped to the side and turned to see him stumble forwards. This caused several people to laugh.

I tried to calm myself down. "Listen Damien I really don't want to fight you." I waved my arms in front of me backing up into the crowd of people.

"It's not going to be much of a fight! Fag!" Damien walked over to me and thrusted his arm forward clenching my shirt in his fist.

Damien lifted me up into the air and raised his other fist. "Hey, hey! What's going on!?" I could here Sasha yelling through the crowd.

Before I knew it Sasha had run forward and punched Damien square in the jaw knocking him down on the ground. Somehow this caused him to pull my shirt and jacket off of me and for me to land flat on my back on the gym floor.

I was in a daze, but then I heard everyone gasp and I realized I was shirtless. That means... I looked around and saw almost everyone with their mouths wide open including Damien and Sasha. Sasha and a few girls were tearing up.

I looked down and saw why they were reacting this way. The bruises were completely visible. I was so embarrassed, so ashamed, so disgusted at myself. I started to cry.

I quickly got up yanked my stuff off the floor and started to run away, but I could hear Sasha following me. "Kirby! Kirby, wait."

I sped up and ran into a bathroom and locked myself in a stall and began to weep putting my shirt and my jacket back on. I'm faster than Sasha so hopefully I out ran him and he doesn't know where I am. I didn't want to see anybody right now.

I was so embarrassed that I had let everyone see those bruises on my hips from my step fathers hands and the bruises on my ribs from when he would hit me for no reason. I was ashamed that I was getting these awful things done to me so often. I was disgusted at myself for not even fighting back anymore. Why didn't I fight back! Why had I just started to allow this to happen to me! It is my fault isn't it? Why do I ask myself these questions when I can't even freaking answer them.

I slammed my hands on the stall door, and screamed deep and loud. I then heard someone flush a toilet and quick footsteps out of the bathroom. That caused me to have a quick pitiful chuckle before sinking back into my depressed sobbing.


After about two hours I heard a knock on the door. I turned my head away. "Go away Sasha." My voice was shaky.

"Um Kirby, this isn't Sasha this is your counselor Mr. Pomar. Listen Sasha came in earlier pretty upset, he said you had ran out of gym class, and the office has had four people complain about somebody ferociously crying in her. So I put two and two together, and figured it was you. Are you okay." He stood there waiting for an answer that I wouldn't give.

"Look Kirby your going to have to come out of there. Even if you don't want to. Kirby I'm giving you five minutes." He backed up and leaned against the counter.

After about two minutes I stood up and I thought maybe if I quickly open the stall I can make a run for it.

I slammed the door open causing Mr. Pomar to jump, and I ran as fast as I could out the bathroom door. As I was running down the hallway I could hear Mr. Pomar yelling for me to stop and that we needed to talk, but I didn't listen. I lost him quickly.

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