Chapter 8: Sister Darling

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*Ellie's POV*

"How ya holding up?" Rafe asked, as we entered the hospital.
"As good as can be expected, I guess." I shrugged. "Levi looks good." I commented, trying to get off the subject before I cried.
"Yeah, he's great." Rafe smiled, causing me to smile back. "The twins seem good. I was afraid about Noah."
I sighed. "She's getting better. Her episodes aren't coming as frequently as before, but she's still got that fearless edge. The nothing can hurt her edge." I admitted.
"I seem to remember someone else that had that edge." Rafe bumped my shoulder lightly.
I pushed at him with a laugh. "Yeah well that Eleanor is long gone. She died that day in the lake."
"Too bad. Because I was thinking we might need her to stop her annoying brother." Rafe chuckled. "Besides she was kinda hot."
"Rafe!" I gaped, slapping his arm. "Don't let our kids here that kind of talk."
"Levi told me Noah is interested in the Morrison murder?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow, as we stopped at the nurse's desk.
"Yes she sadly is." I answered. "I'm hoping it's just a passing phase and nothing will come of it, but knowing Noah..." I trailed off as the nurse appeared.
"Hi, yes, may I help you?" The tall blonde asked in a peppy attitude.
"Um, we're looking for Doctor Jerica Jones." I said. "It's an emergency."
"Well she's in surgery right now. You can wait and when she comes out I'll send her over to you, or you can talk with her daughter over there and have her relay a message." The nurse replied pointing with her pen to a redhead who sat slumped over in a waiting chair. "I suggest you talk to her." The nurse then left.
"I guess we'll talk to her." Rafe started to walk toward her, then turned back when he noticed I wasn't following. "Ellie?"
"Jerica has a kid?" I whispered.
"Yeah she's the same age as the twins. She looks and acts just like Jerica at her age." Rafe held out a hand. "Come on, British girl, let's go."
I took his hand and let him lead me to the girl.
Her long red hair was pulled back in a ponytail. As we approached, she looked up, pulling a earbud out of her ear.
If it wasn't for Rafe pulling me I would have stopped dead in my tracts. She was dead ringer for my sister-her mother. From her red hair and green eyes to the way she dressed. She could have been Jerica.
"Hey, Uncle Rafe, who's this?" The girl stood up to hug Rafe, she like her mother had no accent.
"This is Ellie." Rafe paused. "She's your aunt."
"You got married?" She asked excitedly.
"No. She's your mother's sister, Deanna."
I smiled at her, thinking back to a simplier time when we were just fifteen.

-- "If you ever had a daughter what would you name her?" I asked.
  "I would name her Noah." Jerica answered, leaning her head on my shoulder. "After my grandmother. What you name yours?"
"I would name her Deanna after an old friend who died too soon." I answered. "I like the name Deanna. It's pretty." She said sleepily. "Promise, when we have kids that they will play together."
"I promise."
"You know what would be fun?" Jerica said.
"What?" I asked.
"If I named my kid Deanna and you named yours Noah." Jer laughed. "Like switch names. It would be our thing."
"I like that." I smiled.
"Then we'll do that too." Jerica kissed my cheek. "Now goodnight, Ellie."

"My mother has a sister?" Deanna asked quickly.
"Yep." I nodded. "I've just been so busy. I guess we haven't had a chance to meet." I smiled softly at the girl. "I'm sorry about that. I wish I could have been here sooner." It was the truth I wished I hadn't missed a second of my niece's life.
Deanna rushed forward and hugged me tightly. "It's okay. You're here now."
I wrapped my arms around the smaller girl. "That's right, and I don't plan to go anywhere ever again."
"Not to break up the reunion, but, Dee, we need you to give your mum a message for us." Rafe cut in.
Deanna didn't let go of me but turned to look at the brunette man. "Can't you just wait til she gets out of surgery and tell her yourself?" She questioned.
Rafe glanced up at me for confirmation, causing Deanna to look up too.
"I guess so. The kids can do fine on their own til I get back." I agreed.
"You have kids? I have cousins?" Deanna asked, taking a step away to look me up and down.
"Yes I do and yes you do." I answered, taking a seat to wait for my twin sister to finish.
Deanna and Rafe joined me shortly after.
Aside from Deanna asking occasional questions, we sat there in silence. That is until a familiar redhead rounded the corner and was told by the nurse from earlier we were waiting to see her.
Jerica hadn't changed in even the slightest bit since last time I saw her.
Rafe saw her before I did and nudges me.
I looked up and as I did she stopped walked. "Eleanor?" She questioned doubfully.
I smiled, not knowing what else to do.
"Ellie!" Jerica took off toward us. The minute she was close enough Jerica threw her arms around me, almost sending us both to the floor.
"Are you real." She whispered.
"Yeah, Jer, I'm real." I answered slowly, holding her tighter.
"I thought I was imagining things again." Jerica sighed.
I rested my chin on her head and closed my eyes tightly.
I had missed my sister something awful, but one thing didn't add up.
"Wait," I opened my eyes and pulled away a little bit, keeping my hands on her arms. "You rememeber me?"
She nodded just as Rafe spoke. "Did I forget to mention that?" He asked sheepishly.
"Yes, yes, you did, Raphael." I stated. "But that doesn't matter." I turned back to Jerica who was already looking at me. "We need to talk."

Double update cause why not.
Deanna was a surprise so she wasn't in the cast but she's obviously played by Sadie Sink since she looks just like Jerica at that age.
Okay bye guys - Izzy

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