"Mommy," he cried from the backseat as Silvano drove us over to the building.

"What's wrong, baby?" I asked, checking the time on my phone, I had to text mom that our flight got delayed.

"I'm tired." He cried, kicking his legs and I knew he was about to start his breakdowns. Whenever he was tired, he would complain about the smallest of things, and then cry about it. "Mommy, my feet!" He cried again, his voice cracking.

"Just take your shoes off, baby, and cuddle your blanket, take a nap." I suggested, sending my mom the text before tossing my phone into my bag, then turning back to look at Matthew.

"I don't want a nap!" He raised his voice, scrunching his tiny nose.

"No, but you need one." I grumbled, earning a snicker from Silvano, that was parking at the entrance of the Vescovi building.

"My eyes!" Matthew cried again, his continuing to kick the my seat and I huffed, getting out of the car.

"Come on, let's wait for daddy inside, you need to relax." I went over to his car seat and unbuckled him, lifting his body onto mine as he wrapped his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist. "Do you want to take your shoes off?" I offered, feeling his breathing on my neck as he laid his head down. "I didn't think so." I murmured, listening to Silvano who was on the phone.

"I'll be a minute." He spoke to me, and I nodded, going ahead to enter.

I knew my way around here like the palm of my hand, so I easily went upstairs where I knew Carson had his office.

"Don't fucking forget!" A man roared from the hallways and I froze. I was a few turns away from going into Carson's office, but the voice was coming straight from there, and I wasn't sure if I should go straight ahead, or back away and head back down. "That fucking bitch and her bastard will die!" The man continued yelling, and I felt my heart speed up.

That was the same man that had shot Carson, the same man that I had feared of Carson being with, and now, I couldn't let him see us. His rage was us, he wanted to kill us, I know he did, and if he saw Matthew, things would just get worse.

"Shut the fuck up, your ass won't last a minute with us." Linia muttered out, coming closer, and I mentally cursed myself, pressing Matthew's sleeping body closer to me.

"Get him down, I don't want hear or see him." I heard Carson's low and hard voice, he was clearly pissed off and that's when they came into view.

"Fuck you bitch! You're so full of shit!" The man being held thundered upon seeing us, thrashing against the men's arm so forcefully, he actually got loose and came at me. I felt his hands graze my own before he was shoved back, Carson had pulled him back so hard, the man tumbled down as Linia and the rest of the guards wrestled to hold him down. "Motherfucking bastard won't-"

"Get him out." Carson thundered, standing in front of me, his stance blocking Matthew and I from the man's view. "Now!" He roared, as Linia and the men grabbed him, pulling him back as the walked off, the man spewing harsh and cruel words that I was so happy that Matthew was soundlessly asleep, not even flinching from the loud yells.

"Oh, goodness." I breathed out a shaky breath. I couldn't help but to get nervous and scared simply knowing that the man was here, and had just attempting to hurt us, Matthew even, when he was innocent in all of this.

"I'm so sorry, love." Carson huffed, running a hand through his hair.

"Don't worry about it." I whispered, sighing and relaxing my grip on my son. "I, I just came here, and," I paused, taking a shaky breath. "Sorry, I'll just wait for you in your office." I smiled as Carson reached for Matthew, taking him in his arms.

"Come on." He used his free arm to guide my back forward to his office. Once inside, we walked over to lay Matthew on his sofa. "Ayva, it's important for me, that you know that I will always be there for you." He said, moving behind his desk to sit down and I neared the desk. "If you feel threatened, in any way, get someone, me, Linia, even Silvano, but baby, please don't just try to take on the problems itself." He reached for my hand, bringing me down to his lap.

"I know, but I know that you're busy, and no one likes a clingy wife that can't handle her own problem-"

"Love," he interrupted, wrapping arm loosely around my waist, the other hand cupping my face. "I know you can, and I take great pride in knowing that you are my wife, but I also want you to know that I will never stop being there for you, even when you want me to go away, I won't."

"I love you." I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck loosely, bringing my lips down to his.

"Never will I ever get tired of hearing those words." He smiled, kissing me back.

"Lovely." Silvano cleared his throat, amusement clear in his words as he stood in the doorway. "Sorry to interrupt, but I'm afraid the pilot isn't very keen waiting, nor is Linia." He turned to look at Matthew who was still sleeping.

"Get out Silvano, I'll be a minute." Carson mumbled, dismissing him. Silvano quietly left, a smirk on his face as he shut the door, and I laughed.

"Go, handle it so we can leave, because I actually have a surprise planned for you." I winked, kissing him quickly before hopping off his lap.

He smiled, looking at me with love and amusement. "Alright, let me go handle it, I'll be back, remember to call for anyone." He kissed my head and then left, Silvano entering once more.

"Who knew?" He joked, walking over to sit down beside my sleeping child.

"What?" I leaned against the desk, looking at him.

"That you would become The Mafia Boss's Possession."

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