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"Lottie, you may leave now" I said stopping right at the office door. I turned around to look at lottie.

"But why? " She whines.

"Because, now go I'll see you tomorrow" I said smiling slightly. She sighed then smiled back.

"Fine, make sure to text me later because I'm lonely and have no friends" she said laughing.

"Your right, you totally don't have a bunch of friends" I said rolling my eyes. Then i laughed.

"I have friends, but they don't like talking to me" she said chuckling.

"I see why" I said smiling. Then i laughed, she punched me on the shoulder jokingly.

"Ok I better go, I'll see you tomorrow" lottie said, then she walked towards the doors. I watched her till she wasn't in sight. Then I pushed the door opened and saw Josh sitting on a chair. I walked closer and when he saw he, he smiled.

"Why did you call me here?" I asked quietly. I was fiddling with the hem of my shirt. My breathing was uneven and I was shaking.

"I wanted to take you somewhere " he said quietly, then he grabbed my hand but I pulled it away quickly. He grabbed my chin softly and looked me in the eyes.

"You don't do that" he said sternly, his eyes got darker. "You understand?" He asked quietly.

I nodded my head quickly and then he let go and walked out of the office. I followed him because I didn't want him getting mad.

I looked around and saw Louis looking at us. We looked at eachother for a second, but Josh grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the building.

We walked to the parking lot where his black bmw i8 was. Everyone was looking like at it in shocked because what kind of teen has a car like that? When everyone saw me hold Joshs hand and how he opened the door for me, everyone was whispering and I didn't like that. I felt like they were saying back things. When Josh got in, he started the car and drove off.

I didn't want to look at him so I just turned my head to the window. It was quiet, no music was playing from the radio. The sound of my hard breathing was only heard, I was shaking in fear.

"Calm down, I'm not going to do anything to you" Josh said calmly. He kept his eyes on the road.

I slowed down my breathing and tried to calm myself. But it didn't work, I was still scared of what he's going to do. I pinched myself to calm myself, I know its not the best idea but I was trying to focus on something else. The pinch was sending small pain though my body, it wasn't a massive pain, it was bearable. I was to focus on the pain that I didn't realize we were in front of a lake.

"C'mon, lets go" he said opening his door. He got out quickly and closed it right after. I opened my door slowly and then got out. I closed the door and followed Josh. When we stopped walking, we were in front of the tree we carved our names into.

"Why were we so Cliché back then" Josh asked chuckling at the carved names.

"Because we were younger and naive" I said chuckling.

"I miss that" Josh whispered, then he smiled at me.

"Why are we here?" I asked quietly.

"To swim, why else would we be here?" Josh asked chuckling.

"I don't have anything to change into" I said trying to get out of this situation. I really don't want to swim.

"That's why I brought extra clothes for you, its in the car" he said smiling innocently.

"Now, lets get in and swim" he said taking his shirt off and then he took his jeans off. He jumped in making the water splash everywhere.

"Hey!" I said laughing loudly, I wiped  the water off my face and smiled slightly. Then I took my clothes off and jumped in making a bigger splash.

I got out from under the water and rubbed the water out of my eyes. I opened then and looked around but i didn't see Josh. Then I left a weight on my leg and I look down and see Josh pulling me down, I kicked my feet trying to free myself but he started to tickle the bottoms of my feet, making my legs weak. Then he got out and smiled at me.

After about 10 minutes of just swimming and laughing, we we to go sit on the grass right by the tree we had our names on. "Can i ask you a question?" I asked quietly, i looked at his dark Green eyes.

"Sure" he said, then turned his head to look at the huge lake.

"Why did you come back? Like why are you here" I asked calmly, I looked at his facial expression to see if it would change, but he stayed quiet and calm. He didn't look mad or sad. He looked normal, like he did before all the things happened.

"Because, I wanted to be with you" he said looking in my eyes. "I'm moving to America in two weeks, there's a college I always wanted to go too, and right after college ends I'm going to stay there" he said quietly. He Looked away so he wasn't looking at me.

"So I'm never going to see you again?" I asked not showing any emotions.

"Yeah" he says.

I stayed quiet. I don't want him to leave Europe, I'll miss him. "Well I'll miss you" I said after about 3 minutes of quiet.

"I'll miss you more" he says with a smile.

"C'mon, we have to go home" I say getting up on my feet. Josh got up as well and walked to the car. He just got in with his wet clothes. I got in as well and stayed quiet as he started the car. He drives back and out of the little area. When we get on the road he turns the radio on.


So sorry for not updating and the small update. I'm just very tired of everything, I want everything to be over.

I want my damn life to be over...

Again sorry about the short chapter, and I promise next chapter well be longer. It well probably be up tomorrow or next week. Or i just might stop writing for awhile.

Twins? || Ziall // DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now