Seventh Confession

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"So, there is no other people allowed into the treatment rooms. I guess if you want, you can pick me up in an hour or so... If not I can call a cab." I stared at the building in front of me. I don't want to go in there, but I don't really have a choice, unless I want to die.

No lie, I have debated that option more than I should have.

Lost in thought, I totally missed what Carter had said to me. "Sorry, say that again please?" I turned to look at him.

"I said, I can just wait for you in the waiting room and we can go back to your house together." His eyebrows raised in a hopeful manner.

"I thought I told you earlier that we can't be together..." I looked back to the treatment center.

"I don't care what you told me. You never gave me a reason. So until you can give me a logical, believable reason. I will not leave you alone." To be honest the smug smile on his face was super attractive. I glared at him anyway.

"Fine. I give up, you persistent little shit." I unbuckled myself and opened the door. I leaned back inside the jeep to grab my bag and was surprised with a soft kiss to the forehead.

"You're so cute when your annoyed." I felt the blush rise to my cheeks as I whipped around, nearly whacking my face on the door frame. I closed the door, fast walking toward the lobby as Carter's door closed and he jogged to catch up with me. "Wow, didn't know you were so eager for chemo."

I stopped dead in my tracks and slapped his chest as hard as I could. "Don't you dare fucking joke about this." I clenched my fist as his large hands encased mine, holding them between us.
"I'm sorry Mallory. I was just trying to lighten the mood..." He tried to pull me closer, but I ripped my hands from his and pushed him back. He didn't fight me at all.
"Yeah, well fucking don't." I turned and continued the short walk to the lobby and pushed the door open. Carter was right behind me. He followed me to the counter and let his hand rest on my waist as I checked in.
The receptionist, a bar buddy of mine, recognized my company and let her mouth fall open in shock.
"When did this happen?" She gestured with her pen between the two of us. I could imagine the smirk on Carter's face as I replied.
"It didn't. He just wants it to and has been following me around like a creep." Carter pulled me closer to him and told the receptionist, "She wasn't calling me a creep this morning she was all over this." I tried to hold back a small smile as he gestured to his body with his free hand. Hannah smiled at me and commented, "You guys would be a perfect couple." my face fell a little. We might be, but I don't know how to be a girlfriend. I would ruin him...
"We would be,huh?" I could hear the grin in Carter's voice. "Only if Mallory would agree to it." Hannah nodded her own agreement.
"Too bad she's got that reputation. I don't know how you would be able to keep up with that." Her words somewhat offended me.
"What do you mean?" my shoulders tensed.
"I mean how much sex you have. I could never keep up. I was just wondering if he's able to..." She finished checking me in on the computer and ogled Carter a little while longer.
"Not that it's any of your business, but we haven't had sex. Next time, please keep your thoughts to yourself." I smiled sarcastically at her before grabbing the front of Carter's shirt and guiding him to the chairs lining the wall and sat down.
I felt his breath on my ear as he whispered, "That was hot." I shivered in want. "You getting jealous. Its getting me all hot and bothered." His lips lightly brushed the top of my ear as the door was opened and the nurse called my name. I shot up out of my seat and glanced back at Carter to see him smiling at me. I smiled back at him before closing the door behind me.


I pressed my hand against the wall as I walked back toward the lobby, willing my stomach to calm down. As I pushed open the door to the lobby Carter was there, holding his arm out for me. I took advantage of it and leaned into his side, his arm finding its way around my waist. He led me out to his jeep and helped me in, clasping the buckle and closing the door. He got in and began pulling from the parking lot, the silence was pretty comfortable, considering I felt like puking my guts out. I pulled my seat belt as far as it would go and leaned the chair back all the way, laying back and turning my head so I faced the window.

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