Thursday - September 23

Start from the beginning

"But now, I'm neither happy nor sad. I'm puzzled as to what I am. Am I a normal human who can continue to move forward in a world that you have managed to bring to the point of extinction? Am I a person who can continue to live knowing that most of humanity has died by your hands? Am I a person who can live without any guilt or shame, knowing that someday all of this is going to bite me in my ass, or not worry about any repercussions? How can I live a normal life with questions like these haunting me forever?"

I exhale a deep sigh and continue.

"My whole life has been a lie, Ted. You and others have made my life worthless. I always thought I was a good man; a man who contributed his entire life to help understand what I can do to make life for others happen, without worrying about diseases, or other aggressors that wish to prey upon humanity. But now, I know who the true aggressors are. I've seen them prey and devour the weak. I've seen them destroy what happiness they had. I've seen hearts torn apart. For I, myself, have been there and still am."

I turn around and see the Sun shining as if there were absolutely no qualms in the universe. I turn back to Ted and say, "But because I am a good man and a damn good scientist, I will not allow humanity to dwindle away in the wind. Life is precious, no matter how much of it is left. Therefore, I have decided to put all of my effort into making sure that we do not become extinct. God has given us one more chance and that chance is through me. So, with what time that is left, we better not waste one more second, because now more than ever, every second counts."

Ted looks at me and knows that my heart's aching for what he has done. Monica begins to cry.

"Therefore, as acting director of the Center for Disease Control, I hereby order everyone to get their ass in gear and let's bring Operation Scrooge to an end. Agreed?" Ted and Monica both nod their heads in the affirmative.

"Okay. Let's get down to the lab and get the serum out there and try to save as many lives as possible."

"John, I'm sorry, man. I'm... truly sorry," apologizes Ted.

"I know you are, man. But let's kick this in the butt right now, and then later on I'll kick yours."

Ted chuckles and says, "Okay, John."

The three of us leave my office and go to the cryogenics lab to begin the process to save humanity.


We have twenty-four hours left in order to save the world. That's it. Everyone's working harder than ever. Trucks are being loaded with the antidote to distribute among the remaining citizens of Atlanta, and military jets are in flight to distribute the serum across the U.S. and other countries.

Aunt Ruth and Henry Taylor left earlier to go to the Plaza to retrieve all computer files, along with the remaining personnel to help with the saving of the Earth's remaining population.

President Mansoor and her Cabinet have been in constant contact with other world leaders, informing them that help is on the way, and to be ready to inoculate the survivors upon arrival of the serum. The CDC appears to be fulfilling its original mission, which is to cure and kill the malady before us.

As I look around the lab, I see everyone frantically scurrying about, knowing that the clock's ticking away. At times one minute feels like an eternity. But in this case, one minute is like one second. I check on Ted to see how he's doing.

"Ted, how's it going? Can I help with anything?" I ask, as Ted oversees the assembly line of each syringe being filled with the antidote.

As Ted continues to watch the line he replies, "Everything's going to plan, John. It looks like we're going to make it."

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