Monday - September 20

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The first full weekend of the plague was more demonstrative than anyone could imagine. As the number of dead continues to rise, only an estimate can be given for communications are down, and there aren't any officials to officially announce that two billion more lives, worldwide, have succumbed to death's first weekend of hell. This now leaves approximately eight billion souls left on Earth. God, I hope we're wrong.

Outside the perimeters of the CDC, security guards have the grisly task of picking up the dead and disposing of their bodies that have ceded to the plague, starvation, the blizzard, or to all three. Like snapping twigs, guards pry the dead from their frozen pedestals, placing them carefully into a truck to be taken to the incinerator. None of these people will be missed. At one time they had a purpose in life. Their contribution may have been minimal, but not knowing these individuals personally, who knows what their true purpose in life was before the shit hit the fan. It doesn't matter anymore. Half of the world's population is dead. According to Genesis, God created the world in seven days. In seven days, man has managed to annihilate half of it.

The onslaught of the blizzard left the Plaza buried deep in snow. No one was prepared for its wrath, especially Victor Parks. Today is the day he wants to move Georgia's body. As Victor stands inside the front entrance of the Plaza, unable to see anything but a wall of snow packed against the door, he tries to think of another way to get Georgia out. Perplexed as to what to do, his only solution is to hunt down Charles Stevens and ask him for help. The thought nauseates him, but he has no choice. Victor turns around and goes back to the basement to locate Stevens, and also to get Georgia out of this hell hole.

When Victor enters the basement, he sees Stevens talking to Gerald. "I wonder what these two assholes are talking about," he mumbles to himself.

"Victor," says Gerald, "Stevens and I were talking about the snow, and I think we need to find a way to get outside so we can see how deep the white stuff is."

"Yeah, this shit is deep!" contributes Stevens.

"I know. I was just on the main floor and the front entrance is packed tight. Is there any way out of here, Stevens?" asks Victor.

Stevens shrugs his shoulders and says, "Maybe. I'll have to look around and see if there's a way from the roof, or maybe another floor for an exit. Either way, it's going to take a lot of time to remove this crap before anyone can get out or in."

The only thing Victor cares about is that he needs to get Georgia out of here and as soon as possible.

"Victor," says Gerald, "I... I need you to do some tests in the lab. I know that you have your mind on other things, but my analysis on the death toll is grim. If we can't stop this plague within the next forty-eight hours, we're all doomed. Mankind will seize to exist."

"Okay, Gerald. I do have something I need to take care of, but I'm stuck right now because of the snow. Will you be going to the lab, or will you be going with Stevens to find a way out?"

"No, I'll go to the lab with you, and Stevens can hopefully find a way to dig us out of this blasted snow."

Stevens goes to find an escape route, while Gerald and Victor head to the lab to do more research on this abominable plague.

The lab has a handful of people working diligently to find the solution to the plague. Gerald walks Victor to his work station and turns on the computer.

"Sit down, Victor. I want to show you something," Gerald instructs.

As Victor waits for the computer to pull up the information, he notices a white flash streaking across the monitor.

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