It's a secret! plus time skip!

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~~~~3rd pov~~~~

The two new parent's to be decided to keep everything a secret until they had everything under control and knew that there were no risks. Victor made sure Yuuri ate healthy and had monthly check ups to see if everything was still okay especially for the new addition to their family. Through out the months they decided to hide the pregnancy from media and took a long break from skating to catch up on making a baby room.

Yuuri secretly talked to his belly and sang soft songs before they went to bed and even began to think of some names while they waited to see the gender of their baby. It was only a matter of time before they new the gender after all they had to wait till Yuuri was 6 months along since the baby was shy last month. In the morning the two began to get ready for the moment they've been waiting for since the moment they found out Yuuri was pregnant with their first and probably only baby.

~~~~at the doctor's office~~~~

"so what do you think you're having?" a nice elderly nurse asked as she helped Yuuri onto the bed. "I think it's a girl!" victor excitedly yelled but shrunk back as Yuuri gave him a look. "I just want a healthy baby" Yuuri answered with a smile before giving his attention to the doctor who just walked in. "hello my name is Dr. May I'll be doing your ultra sound today" Dr. May says with a smile before helping Yuuri lay back and lift his shirt a bit to uncover his very round belly.

"nice to meet you I'm Yuuri this is my husband Victor" Yuuri replies with a smile but shivers as cold gel is rubbed over his mid section. The doctor begins to search and smiles.

"congrats its a boy"

Yuuri x Victor x child male readerWhere stories live. Discover now