direct message - rose

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rosiegw alice i didn't say anything. don't you trust me? we're best friends.

alicee i'd rather know the truth from you than screenshots from lily. pick your poison.

rosiegw sure.

rosiegw i didn't say anything bad at all, only that you were being mean to dominique and i ditched you when you got mad at me for standing up for her. we've been over this already and lily and james are making it a much bigger deal than it actually is.

rosiegw speaking of which what even happened between you and him??

alicee he broke up with me because i was mean to dominique. i told him we fixed the problem but he wouldn't listen.

rosiegw alice that's horrible. no one deserves to be treated like that.

rosiegw i'm going to talk to him.

alicee that will only make things worse

rosiegw fine.

rosiegw you loved him. and he loved you. he said it on the chat.

alicee then why did he do this? now he treats me like crap. i don't even know where that came from.

rosiegw i don't know. things really do seem to be going downhill for you lately don't they?

alicee that's for sure.

alicee and frank won't talk to me either. he's being really vague about what's happening at beauxbatons. i think he's hiding something from me but i don't know what it could be.

rosiegw should we try to solve the mystery together? or "debunk" it, in the words of albus?

alicee i'm so down.

rosiegw yesssss

rosiegw and don't forget i'll always be here for you.

alicee i love you rosie :)

rosiegw i love you too alli.

i'm stopping dedications for a while but this last chapter is dedicated to abr1elle ! thanks for voting and commenting!!

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