The Truth. The Real Truth.

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This chapter will be solely Betty describing what happened to her. EVERYTHING will be revealed.

The last thing I remember is walking up to my house. It was pretty ironic to be honest. Your house is supposed to be the one place that you can feel safe, loved, it's your home. And that was the last thing I saw. I felt a sharp pain on the back of my head and then nothing, just nothing, for.... well I have no idea how long for. Hours, days, I  guess only those Serpents can tell you. I wonder if they've been arrested, or did they run? Anyway, waking up in that place was pretty terrifying. It's like when you stay over at a friend's house for the first time, and those few seconds when you open your eyes are super scary, you don't  know where you are. Ok, not a good example, seeing as I woke up in an abandoned old house locked in a room. 

For a while, again I can't tell you how long, I was in and out of it. They must hit me hard because I'm pretty sure I had some serious concussion and I wasn't sure what was real and what wasn't. When I  finally snapped out of it, they paid me a visit. They told me that I knew too much, and I couldn't be allowed to continue my research with my 'pretty little boyfriend' in case I found out the truth. I was a distraction, from what I can gather, more than anything else. So, there I stayed in that little room without light or food or whatever, you get the picture. Every day I would get a shot glass of water, to keep me alive. Not exactly a five star hotel. 

After about a week of being fully awake, or something like that, I was so desperate to get out of there that I devised a plan. Trust me, I've read the Nancy Drew handbook enough times to know how to pick a lock. Simple, a hair grip from my head split into two and you can get a door open. No wonder they were Serpents, they didn't exactly have the brightest of minds. I got out, no problem, but Mustang (that's one of them) was standing next to the door I had just opened. Not wanting me to try to escape again, he sliced up my thigh, and I probably would've bled out if I wasn't trained in first aid. I didn't try to escape again, partially because I was scared out of my mind, but mostly because I was in agony for the next week or two... However long. 

A few days ago, the day the police found me, a car pulled up outside. I could hear it, but not see it. Voices echoed up the corridor and  my door opened. It took me a few seconds to realise who it was, but I recognised him from a picture Veronica had shown me. Hiram Lodge. From what I had gathered from what they had been saying, Hiram had lied to Hermione about when he was getting out. It was so strange, I couldn't understand why a rich man like Hiram would come there himself. Then he pulled out a gun. He probably thought that killing me would shut me and, and my friends would be too shrouded in grief to continue looking for the killer. Oh yeah, Hiram killed Jason. He actually told me why before he pulled out the gun. Clifford got him arrested so that the Blossoms didn't have to pay the Lodges anymore, and took everything away from him. So, in retaliation, Hiram took everything away from them. Killing their heir to the maple business kind of throws a wrench in the words. Back to my impending murder, he doesn't know my friends at all. Thinking that they would have given up because of my death was foolish. Maybe he was doing it because killing me was easier than keeping me captive. Either way, I think he just wanted to make sure it was done. 

Near-death put everything into perspective. Anything in that moment is possible. When you can taste death adrenaline pumps through your veins and that wound on my leg wasn't going  to stop me. In one lunge, I skidded my legs round and tripped him up, causing him to drop the gun, picked it up, and shot him between the eyes. 

That's right, I killed by best friend's dad. 

Then the police came a couple of hours later. I don't know much about what happened to Mustang and the other Serpent. They probably thought the gunshot was Hiram shooting me, not the other way round, so I only heard them move when the sirens rang out. I didn't run when he was dead, I just sat there. Blood spread out around his head and all I could think was 'that should have been me'. I would've gone eventually, but police wasn't something I was expecting. 

And here I am. 

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