Chapter [6]

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Captured|Chapter 6

To say I was nervous would be an understatement. I was terrified! Excited but utterly terrified.

Derek told me that I needed to build up a portfolio for this modeling gig that is coming up in 4 months. Which isn't a lot of time since I'm a rookie, but Derek believes I can do it.

We can do it.

"So sign here and here." Derek said as he pointed to dotted lines.

I scribbled my signature where Derek instructed me to then it was official.

"We're now partners!" Derek grinned from ear to ear as he stored our contract in his file cabinet.

I blushed slightly at his choice of words.


Call me a hopeless romantic, but Derek is just an electric person.

He's like a beam of light.

You can't help but smile when you're with him.

I'm crushing on him so hard. The butterflies in my stomach bring me back to my high school days.

I smiled at Derek, watching him prepare his camera.

I observed him curiously.

I noticed how perfect his hair was spiked, the way his mouth hung slightly open, and how his eyes focused intently on what he was doing.

"So today we'll be doing some simple head shots. I'll need to clear a space but for now I need you to change into this."

With that said Derek handed me a pair of khakis and a light blue-grey plaid button up.

"Bathroom?" I quizzed scratching the back of my neck.

"You can just change in here. I'm not watching. Actually I just realized I left the bar stool I need on the first floor. I'll be back." Derek said with a small grin as he jogged out of the office.

"Okay." I sighed as I pulled my t-shirt over my head and pulled off my jeans.

Derek walked in abruptly with the bar stool in hand and his camera hanging around his neck.

"Ready?" Derek quizzed as he set the stool down where the shoot is going to be.

"Hmm? Oh! Yeah." I stammered as I finished buttoning the shirt.

"The beard—"

"Too scraggly? I can go home and shave real quick." I interrupted feeling flustered.

"No I like it. You look older. It's hot." Derek smirked as he looked through the camera lens.

My face flushed at Derek's flirtatious comment.

Me hot? I'm so awkward. Like really awkward! I'm like an awkward turtle.

Not hot. At all!

"Sit. Please."

I shook my thoughts away following what Derek told me.

"Well, tell me what to do." I smiled as I wiggled around in the seat getting comfortable.

"I want you to get your head out of the idea that this is a photo shoot. I want you to close your eyes and imagine you're at your favorite coffee shop with your closest friends. You've just heard the silliest joke. Then someone catches your eye. Far off to your left you see him. The love of your life, but you don't know him yet. Now what do you feel? What emotions come over you in this moment?"

I open my eyes a smile gracing my lips, but then it falters. I feel...


'Get out! Get the hell out!'

I squeeze my eyes shut standing up abruptly facing away from Derek.

"No." I mutter under my breath, digging my nails into my palms.

'Please. I just... I thought—'

'You thought wrong.'

"Stiles?" Derek murmured coming off concerned.

I sniffled harshly wiping my nose, trying to compose myself.

"You okay?"

I drew in a calming breath before turning around, "Yeah." I replied, pulling on a fake smile.

Derek's eyes clouded with disapproval, a frown pulling on his thin lips.

"Don't lie to me, Stiles."

'You're lying, right? You're joking?'

"What came to your mind?"

Derek sat his camera down softly pulling me over to the couch by my forearm. As we sat together, thighs touching, Derek softly stroked my arm comfortingly.

'It's okay, Stiles. You got me, always.'

"Always." I whispered sadly.

"Huh?" Derek spoke up leaning in closer with his eyebrows scrunched together in curiosity and concern.

"Your ex..." I trailed, not really knowing where I'm going with mentioning her.

"Yeah, what about her?"

"I had a friend, a best friend really. But when I told him I was..."

'Gay? You're serious?'

"He didn't like that. He ha—"

'I hate you.'

I turned away from Derek's gaze, sucking in my bottom lip as tears threatened to fall.

"He hated me." I choked out, pulling at a stray string on my shirt.

"You loved him... didn't you?"

I looked up from my fidgeting hands to meet Derek's charismatic stare.

"Yeah." I whispered, appreciative of how Derek read me and some how saw straight through me.

"I'm sorry. That's... hard." Derek soothed as he then rubbed small, soothing circles on my upper back.

His touch sent me into an odd feeling of contentment. I felt calm and oddly tired. His empty arms seemed so inviting. I bet his chest would be perfect to rest my head on.

But he's my boss. I can't start catching feelings. This is supposed to be a professional relationship.

But I ignored my conscience and leant my head onto Derek's shoulder.

He then wound his arms around me and leant his cheek on my head, never letting go.

"It's okay, Stiles. I got you." Derek whispered softly.


Okay, it's been a LONG while since I've updated any of my stories. I'm so sorry! I've been dealing with a lot and I just haven't had the motivation or inspiration to write much anymore. I don't want to quit writing for good so I really hope you guys are at least okay with slower updates, than me just quitting on this story. Please comment your opinions and ideas cause I have no clue where I'm really going with this story so I need your help! Thank you for your sweet comments and your patience.

Until the next update...

Also would you guys mind giving a read on my newest bxb story, Acceptance. The first chapter is posted, and I'm about finished with Chapter 2! It would mean a lot!

Captured(Sterek fanfiction)(BxB)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu