Chapter XII-Percy

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Percy felt the Winchesters' eyes on him as he walked away, but he ignored it. It's not like he wasn't appreciative of the brothers, it was more along the lines of, he needed to gather his thoughts before he could talk to them. He needed time to process the explosion.

When Dean was bringing their stuff to their rooms, Percy had asked Sam where the kitchen was. Once they had reached it, Percy used the water from the sink to heal both him and Sam. And for some reason, Percy decided to bring up that the Winchester brothers were the first people that he ever healed with water. He didn't know why, but he just had to stop thinking for a moment about the explosion until he could be alone. And that may sound like a rude thing to do, considering Sam was in the explosion as well, but Percy wanted to tell his friends first to see if they knew anything.

He wanted to tell them first, so that he could apologize to their person.

Percy got to his room after taking a few wrong turns, even though Dean had given him directions. He had only been half listening. Was it a right and three doors on the left? Or a left and two doors on the right?

He reached his room, glad that neither of the brothers had seen him wander aimlessly around like an idiot.

He went over the bed where his backpack was laying innocently on and opened the front small pocket first in search of his drachmas.

So, he remembers to bring drachmas but not more pairs of clothes? Man, he needed to rethink this whole independent man thing more.

He brought two of the drachmas and headed to the bathroom.

Gods, this place is huge, Percy thought as he looked into different rooms in search of the bathroom. Why couldn't he pay attention when he was given instructions?

He finally found the bathroom a few minutes earlier than he found the guest room and switched on the lights, then closed the door behind him.

He then faced the sink and summoned the water, reaching into his pocket and taking out Riptide. He hoped that he could create a mist using artificial lighting. He's never actually tried it before, unless you count the time where he asked Iris herself to make a call.

Thankfully, the Fates were on his side today (which he found irritating when he's trying to save the world, but that's no big deal.), and a mist formed, albeit it seemed a bit fuzzy.

Percy shifted his pen and one drachma to his other hand and tossed the other coin into the mist. "Oh Iris, goddess of the rainbow," he slightly hesitated as to who he should call then made up his mind. "Show me Jason Grace at Camp Half-Blood."

Percy bit his lip as he proceeded to fiddled with his pen. He knew he should've contacted Annabeth first, but he didn't need all the attention right then.

And besides, Percy calmed himself. If I have my days right, Annabeth should be teaching Greek to the newcomers right about now. And Jason should just be chilling with Piper or something. But he was still nervous about seeing Jason for the first time in two weeks and a half.

And maybe, just maybe, Jason could help him figure out his dreams.

Percy knew that the first thing he had to tell his cousin was sorry. Then discuss the new big upcoming "bad guy". And apologize again.

Percy tentatively thought back to his most recent Nightmares That Scare Percy the Most.

He had thought that he was back in Pitch Black's lair when he saw the cave, but once he got a clear grip of his dream, he realized that he was in a maze. Which was even worse. Percy shuddered at the thought of being back in the labyrinth, his whole body shaking with dread, because he knew it collapsed.

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