chapter twenty - four

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ISLA DOESN'T FOLLOW NATE ON Instagram. He has a big account with thousands of followers and his feed consists of the usual shit that Isla hated him for: a golden boy who is a glory hunter with a colorful life. Sports, college life, college parties, college girls . . .

And Leslie Raja. Elegant, sexy Leslie Raja.

Nate's Insta feed transforms from the likes of drunken nights to romantic day outs with his girlfriend (of five months, as there are pictures of them cuddled up in January.) Isla doesn't particularly know how she got here; seated on the bay window in the school's library and spying on her brother's social media.

She refuses to think that a small part of her yearns for her brother's support, so let's call it utter curiosity.

Nevertheless, as she strolls through her brother's account, it just so happens that in a second Isla clicks on Leslie's account under the username missthang. She doesn't know what she wanted to see in the first place, but when she notices that her feed ends on the date October 27th, 2016, she sighs.

It is sick that in the back of her mind, Isla knows exactly what she was looking for.

She was looking for his face. Felix's. And then, Isla begins to add up a few things. When Nate visited last, he hadn't brought Leslie, but she was in New York -- Isla saw her. It just so happened to be the same week Isla went into Lavo's and saw a girl with almond skin and charcoal hair talking to Felix. She even remembers what she had said to him.

"Is this where you bring all of your victims?" Yes. Yes, he does.

That was her. It had to be.

Felix has lips softer than a fox's fur, is good in bed, and is so very mature -- that's all of what Leslie said. But it's not true, is it? Isla wasn't the first. But she was definitely going to be the last.

"I promise, Leslie," Isla mutters to her phone screen silently. "I'll handle him. For us."

But Leslie's not listening, and Isla is still alone, but not for long. Isla grabs her purse and slips through the gates of the school, dismissing yet another day of education, but she doesn't care. She's already going down anyway.

She isn't a hundred percent sure the girl was Leslie, but either way, Isla comes to the conclusion that she couldn't have been the first victim of his -- so she has to be strong. She has to be driven by fury, cast the heartache aside, and strike back. She has to make sure that she is the last victim.

Therefore, when she climbs into a cab, she urgently tells the driver: "Get me to P.I. Investigators. Now."

Needless to say, the drive could have been short but considering they lived in New York, the traffic was slow. But when she finally gets there, she feels motivated.

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