Chapter 1: Grieve away my darling.

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sis·ter   [sis-ter]


1. a female offspring having both parents in common with another offspring                               ; female sibling                      

2. a female friend or protector regarded as a sister.


      I haven't even thought this day would come.I mean death really does get you when you least expect it.When the police officers came to my door that night I didn't know what to expect.Okay that was lie: I had fully expected Emma to be seated in the back of the police car drunk.But she wasn't.

      Being the older one , Emma has always taken care of me.That's what big sister do right .Without our parents being around we only had each other .Well we used to.For the past few months Emma had changed .She had been drifting off.Not coming home till after 12, homework being done before the school bell rings.I had ever right to ask her what was going on.But of course Emma would say it was under control.

      I mean what did she mean "it was under control" .Maybe she never had fully grasped what was happening.

But whatever was going on it happened to get her killed.Yes,you heard me right Emma Florence has been murdered.

I will never have a chance to say goodbye.


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