5. Truth or dare?

Start from the beginning

I turned back round to face Zayn and he whispered “Goodnight beautiful” I blushed slightly and replied.

“Goodnight echo”

I saw him frown and he said “Echo?”

I laughed “You’ll find out soon”

All I can remember from then on was falling asleep in Zayn’s warm and protective arms.


I woke up surprisingly very comfortable an warm. I slowly opened my sleepy eyes and took in my surroundings.

Why was I sleeping on the coach?

Why was my friends sleeping on the floor?


Then the events of last night washed through my head and I calmed down. I felt something warm tighten around my waist and I yelped in surprise. I turned round slowly as not to wake him up and smiled when I saw Zayn’s floppy hair squished against his face and his warm breath blew against my face.

Zayn’s hair in the morning looks…cute. I bet he would be panicking right now if he knew people saw him with his hair all flat and not in his signature quiff. I loved it. His lips edged up in a crooked smile and his eyes fluttered but stayed shut.

“Morning beautiful, how long have you been staring at me then?” he breathed.

I laughed slightly “Hmm…not long, I wouldn’t be able to stand the cuteness”.

Zayn’s eyes jolted open and he flew up knocking me off the coach and onto Niall. Niall’s eyes flew open and he saw me on top of him and smiled.

“Well…this wasn’t the wake up I imagined” he winked.

I laughed awkwardly and got off him while Zayn shot me an apologetic look, trying to fix his hair already.

“Umm….I’ll be back” he muttered and ran upstairs.

I let out a loud laugh then felt a hand cover my mouth and I gasped to see Niall grinning.

“Shh! The others are still sleeping” he signalled.

I nodded silently and pulled my face away from his hand. I won’t lie, there was something undeniably cute about Niall, maybe it was his adorable accent or his cute blond hair. I couldn’t decide.

I dragged my eyes back to those who were still sleeping on the floor, bless them they looked adorable! Harry and Annie had been cuddling unconsciously in the night and were wrapped around each other and Lucy and Louis’s faces were right next to each other, Niall was frowning at something on his phone and Liam was starting to wake up while Rachel had her face imprinted in the covers.

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