To The Stars.

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I stepped into the house, looking around awe. It was a lot bigger inside than it was on the outside. Spencer broke me out of my trance as he began to walk. "Come on, we're all in the dining room." I stood for a second, wondering how they new I was even coming. I walked into the room and saw all of them sitting and looked at me with sorrow.

"We're sorry." They all said simultaneously. I felt like I was in a movie, or book(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), or something totally made up. I sat down and looked at all the boys. I took the spoon and began to inspect the ice cream.

"We have a proposition." Alex spoke as he watched me Eat. I looked up and gave him a confused look.

"We want you to come to the stars with us!" Phillip shouted. All of the boys told him to be quiet, but he only shrugged his shoulder. "Alex was going to take forever explaining, so why not speed it up?" I sat in confusion, 'To the stars...?'

"What Phillip was trying to say is, we want you to return with us. Back to where we're from." He tried to calm me down, but it didnt work.

"Uh... I thought you guys were from Canada or something." I stated, putting down my spoon.

"Well..." Alex was about to answer when Travis interrupted.

"We're actually the 12 zodiac signs." He bluntly stated. The room went silent as all the boys looked at Travis.

"...Look if this is some kind of distraction so that I dont leave, then I'm leaving-" I was about to get up when Lucas stopped me.

"No! We're telling the truth! We were watching over one day and spotted you. We fell in love and... Decided to come and see you in person." My jaw draw dropped open. I couldn't believe what they were saying.

"B-but you dated my friends... A-and ignored me."

"That wasn't planned..." Caleb shrunk in his seat, clearly cringing at the thought.

"We noticed how rudely they treated you, and wanted to get them out of your life." Anderson spoke. I still sat in the chair, listening to them.

"We could take you away, take you somewhere you'll be happy." Sylvester offered, Spencer nodding in addition.

"All you have to do is agree." Vincent added, closing the conversation and leaving it up me.

"..." I looked at the hope in their faces, the desperation in their eyes. To leave everyone I've ever known, to go to the stars. Live somewhere outside of my own home, outside of my own planet? I wasn't sure how much time I had to choose, but I knew they weren't going to be patient about it. "O-ok... I'll go to the stars with you." Their faces turned into ones of happiness.

"Really?! This is so great!" Gavin cheered.

"You will not be sorry." Alex smiled. "Come on, we're leaving now." My eyes widened in confusion as they all stood. "We have no time to waste, everything is set. (Y/n) stand with us." He gave a reassuring smile as I slowly rose. They close their eyes and began to glow.

"What the f-" before I could ask I was sent flying into the air. I tried to scream but nothing came out. I could see the boys were changing, they looked like angels. They looked the same, but different at the same time. Another flash and they were animals. "Holy shit!" I yelled. Nothing was happening to me, thank god, but they kept changing. After the last flash they were angels and we landed in the stars. I opened my eyes, I had previously closed then due to the brightness. All around me was stars and galaxies. It was dark, but light at the same time. The boys weren't there yet, but 12 chairs were. I could tell whose was whose due to the shape, each had the shape of their animal. They appeared in each seat ad I stood in awe.

"If feels so good to be back!" Sylvester stretched.

"Yes, I missed my chair." Clyde chuckled. Alex looked over to me and smiled.

"We all made it." He got down and offered his hand. I took it and he led me to a new chair. "We'll all be together." I sat in the chair, watching the globe turn. I looked around the room and saw the smiling faces of the signs. I guess... My fate was written in the stars.


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