Is he your friend?

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Tuesday School

(Y/n) made her way to third period. This was the class she had with Lincoln. Unfortunately, Aidrien was also in said class. (Y/n) and Aidrien have been friends since sixth grade, when (Y/n)'s group was split up into different classes. She didn't see any of them until it was lunch, which felt like forever when you had no friends. Until he came along and slithered his way into (Y/n)'s life.

"Only 30 seconds before the bell, new record." He sprang up and joyfully walked over. She sighed in relief as she caught her breath.

"I know right. Its a game now, 'Will (Y/n) Make It To Class?' Part 137." They laughed at her joke and took their seats when the bell rang. Lincoln sat in the back, glaring at the back of Aidrien's head. The oblivious boy turned around, sensing a strange pair of eyes on him, only to be fooled to see no one. Lincoln had put his head down as soon as he felt it was enough. The teacher walked in, officially starting the lesson. Lincoln watched as Aidrien flirted with the girl all through class. All of it went straight over her head, as if she was oblivious.The bell rang and before the male knew it, he wad following her out of the door. He stopped himself when he felt another presence near him. That presence soon got closer and eventually slammed into his back. "Oh! Sorry there...." The shorter male's smile faded when he followed his body up to his face.

"Aidrien right?" Lincoln decided to take advantage of the situation.

"Y-yeah, how did you know that?" The shorter male tried to back away, but Lincoln wouldn't let him.

"I know everything. How do you feel about (Y/n)?"

"She's... Great. Why? Do you want to get close to her as well? I would say good luck, but I was here first. So your my new competition-" Aidrien was beginning to sound cocky. Lincoln grabbed his right arm and squeezed.

"Too bad you have 12 new competitors. Good luck, you cocky bastard." The sign ended with a grin and pushed him back. The teacher must of left the room before things got bad. Aidrien fell to the floor and looked back up at the looming male. He grinned and walked away.

The rest of the day was normal, nothing special happened. Roxanne stayed in her seat for lunch, to everyone's relief. The signs lived their human lives as normal as they could. However, they still could only think about (Y/n).

Tuesday Night

Tavin residence- 

The family sat in silence as they ate their dinner. The father was home after a long day, and was normally quiet when they ate. The mother sat in sadness as she reviewed what happened that morning. 'She never used to disagree with me...' she though as she moved around her peas. Talia was on her phone, reading her schedule for cheerleading practice. "Talia, put down that phone and converse with your parents." The father ordered. He was usually snappy when he returned home.

"It's my schedule, dad. I need to know when I have practice-" The girl was defending herself when he three his fist on the table.

"Why can't you just focus on your studies? You always say that you need too grades to stay in cheer but last time I checked you had a C in Algebra.

"Dad... Please, I'm still passing-"

"Unacceptable. Give me the phone. I'll give it back once you prove that you can keep good grades." The mother silently watched as her daughter sat in anger.

Captured by the Beauty (Yandere!Zodiac Boys X reader)Where stories live. Discover now