Down to Earth

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~years ago~

The 12 Zodiac signs stared down at the earth, searching for anything out of the ordinary. "Libra, zoom in on the North Pole." Aries ordered the sign to enhance the map. They did as told and found that nothing was happening. "Good. Zoom in on (Your country)." As he did the map glitched, and zoomed on a random spot. It suddenly stopped, causing all of the zodiacs to sit on the edge of their seat.

"Who is that?" Scorpio asked.

"I have no idea, but shes beautiful.." Aries responded. He zoomed in further. All of the signs marveled at her. "We have to protect her. For as long as she lives."

~On earth~

"Come on, (Y/n). You can't just sit on the bench all class." Talia whined as she raised her arms to stretch.

"Running may be awful, but I promise once you get the hang of it it's pretty fun." Ariana giggled as she jogged in place. The girl in question continued to sit in her spot. She threw her arms over her head and laid back.

"I can do, whatever I want. All the teachers love me, they won't care if I skip a couple laps." (Y/n) giggled. The two huffed in anger and ran along the track.

I'm (Y/n). I'm a junior at Walevin high school. I have a "small" group that consists of... A nerd named Lyla, she's basically the mom of the group. Talia, a sporty blonde who has enough school spirit to fill three football stadiums. Roxanne, she's a slut and she knows it. In fact, she flaunts it. Two royal sisters from England, Audrey and Adriana. And the only person I consider normal, and my best friend, is Lenore.

"God it gets so lonely, ya know what with not having anyone... Romantically." (Y/n) spoke as she closed her eyes.

Roxanne sat up and looked down at the resting girl. "Ya know (Y/n), someday you'll find a man. And when you do, bring him to me so I can steal him by sucking his-" The girl laughed but was cut off when someone interrupted her.

"Roxanne you would literally suck off an iron pole." Lenore sarcastically quipped as she sat down next the (Y/n). The two runners made their way towards the group and stopped to catch their breath.

"Hey... (Y/n)... We should... Have a sleepover... today." Adriana spoke between breaths. Talia positively nodded as to confirm the suggestion.

"Oh hell yeah, that would be awesome!" Lenore giggled. The previously resting girl rose up and smiled.

"Sure, why not?" The deal was set and the group started to talk about random topics to waste the rest of the period.

~In the stars~

"I can't wait any longer." Cancer whined as they sat on the end of their seat. "Its been 2 years, I want to speak to her." the other zodiacs looked at each other.

"Silence." Aries raised his voice in order to get the attention of the rising murmurs. "We shall go to earth. We will have to take forms of humans around her age."

"What if we turn out to be a different gender than male?" Libra questioned, bringing the possibility into the light.

"Then so be it. We will make ourselves male, and if it doesn't work, we can always change to a different body." All of the zodiacs agreed and stood from their seats. They closed their eyes and began to transport themselves down to earth. They were determined to take the girl back to the stars with them where she could live forever in their arms.

~On earth~

"Come on Audrey, the others are waiting in the house!" Adriana screamed to her sister as they carried their bags up the walkway.

Captured by the Beauty (Yandere!Zodiac Boys X reader)Where stories live. Discover now