Interesting... Isn't It?

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Tuesday Morning

"There's another guy." Lincoln whispered as he changed into a pair of jeans. Vincent stopped abruptly, and stared at his roommate.

"Another guy? What do you mean?"

"(Y/n). She has a friend, and he seems really close to her." He spoke slowly, showing how tired he was.

"What the hell. Why didn't we see him before? What's his name?" Vincent slowly resumed his morning routine.

"Aidrien." Lincoln blurted out as he walked out of the room.

"Aidrien... Weird name." Vinci net shrugged it off, and followed his friend to the first floor of the house.

Off in another room, two other boys were conversing as they prepared for hell- I mean... school. "Sylvester, what do you think of (Y/n)'s group of friends?" Caleb asked while fixing his laces. Sylvester was occupying the bathroom, fixing and maintaining his hair.

"They haven't bothered me much, except that horny one. What's her name..." He turned around and looked at his friend for help.


"Yeah her. She's something else. I mean, she even showcased (Y/n) like she was an object. I almost yelled at the chick." The sign finished up and looked over to his friend, who was currently looking down.

"Yeah... That poked my inner bear."

"You mean crab?" Sylvester grinned at his pun. Caleb shook his head and threw a sock at the male.

Swu residence-

"Lyla! Where did you put my scalpel?!" The girl sighed as she put down her spoon.

"I put it in the sink, it needed to be washed!" The girl replied as she walked towards the kitchen sink, taking out the medical knife, and drying it. She walked down the stairs and saw her father at his operation table. "Hope you're not operating on any humans, dad. We took you to therapy for a reason."

"I know, I know. I haven't touched a single human body in over a year."

"So... How is the other family?" Lyla pushed her hair out of the way as she looked at her fathers table.

"Lyla... I told you about asking. You cannot meet your brothers."

"Why not!? They are blood relatable are they not?"

Lyla had been curious ever since she saw her father sneaking out of the house when she was young.  Her mother would sit at the kitchen table, waiting for him to walk in like he always would. He would leave everyday, and see the other family. The mother knew that he was a married man, but tried still fell in love with him. He loved her as well, but couldn't leave due to his twins. When his wife began to become strict he found it as an excuse to leave the house often, and see his little girl. He would often comain during those times, with the smart girl listening in, and snooping whenever he and her mother were talking. She knew all about her brothers, and how they were twins. She was an only child. The father was quite shocked when she finally asked, and had been scared ever since she found out.

"Half! And I haven't seen them in the longest time. They dont want to see me anyway, I did bad things, honey. Things they most likely hold against me now." The father finished up and walked her to the front door. "I'll see you later, sweety. Have a good day at school, keep the studying up." The girl smiled and grabbed her backpack, giving her father a kiss on the cheek as she walked out of the house. She lived close enough to the school so that she can walk and still have 5 minutes left before other kids arrive.

Captured by the Beauty (Yandere!Zodiac Boys X reader)Where stories live. Discover now