The World Stopped Turning.

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I sat in my room, just like the days before. My aunt would be in and out of my room, checking on me, giving me food, saying goodnight. I couldn't move. There was nothing to do. I could always hear the traitors across the street. They all sounded buddy buddy. Today they were especially loud.

"SYLVESTER GET OFF! *giggles* NOT IN FRONT OF PEOPLE!" I could tell it was Roxanne. I looked out my window to see him holding her from behind. The others weren't even paying attention. 'Why would she be screaming that? Are they trying to get me to lash out?' I thought. I was pulled away when I heard my door opening.

"Hey (Y/n)... Me and your uncle are sorry about your friends. They don't deserve you." My uncle nodded and put his hand on my aunts shoulder.

"..." I looked down, and looked back out the window. They sighed and walked out. I decided to watch some TV. I scrolled through until something caught my eye; channel 8 news.

Swu residence-

"DAD! YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS!" The teenager yelled from the basement door. He could tell that she was more concerned than usual. The father put his stuff down and walked up the stairs.

"What is it? I'm working on something really important." He sighed as he followed the girl. She stayed silent as she hit play on the TV.

On tonights story, we're talking about a group of teens who mysteriously went missing after having a sleepover at one their houses. If anyone has seen Trevor Goll, Richie Linel, Jason Swu, Freddy Krufrun, Juliet Giles, Or (Y/n) (last name just for the sake of the book), please contact your local police station.

Pictures of the teens showed up, causing the two to gasp. "Jason..."

"So thats what my brother looks like..." Lyla spoke under her breath. She was in shock that the first time she was him was on the news. 

"Wait that girl... She looks exactly like (Y/n). And has the same name..." The room went silent. Lyla had paused hehe the faces showed up.

"It... Has to be a coincidence!" She unpaused the TV as her father went around the couch to get a better view.

More on this topic, the mother of (Y/n) (L/n) has taken her own life from the traumatic experience of losing her daughter. Please give a moment of silence.
. . .
Thank you, we have more with Terry, who is at the house of (Y/n) (L/n).

Thanks Liane, I'm here in front of this poor girls house, where there is no sign of a person living here. The mother passed a few days ago and the house shows no signs of human living for a couple of days.

A very tragic thing. Remember, if you spot any of the teens please call your police department right away.

Lyla switched the TV off and started with fear. "I have to call (Y/n)." She got up and ran to room. Her father sat in concern as a though popped into his head.

"I have to call Jackie."

(L/n) residence-

A very tragic thing. Remember, if you spot any of the teens please call your police department right away.

The girl sat in fear as the news continued. "(Y/n) (L/n).... She even looks like me what the fuck is this...? It- it has to be a prank or something." She stood up and stormed out of the room. She saw her aunt and uncle on the couch sleeping together. "GUYS! THERES A MISSING PERSON WHO LOOKS LIKE ME! AND EVEN HAS THE SAME NAME!" She shouted. (Y/n) figured that this was really important news.

"Wha-" Her aunt suddenly woke and rubbed her eyes. Her uncle slowly rose, mimicking his wife.


"(Y/n) please... If it isn't you we shouldn't worry." Her uncle groggily replied.

"Shouldn't worry... She looks exactly like me. Shes even around the same age! She's missing guys, aren't you even a little saddened by it?!" She could feel her blood boiling.

"(Y/n), you woke us up from a nap. What do you expect from people who just woke up?" The older women, and her husband, were too foggy to really comprehend much.


"Stop yelling... Please." She could tell the male was getting agitated.

"Fine... I'll go take my yelling to Lenore's. At least she'll care about me there." The girl was clenching her fists. 

"And would you quit it with the Lenore crap? You're too old for imaginary friends." The aunt nudged him in the side. "What? Its about time she hears it."

"Imaginary... Friends?" Her whole demeanor was thrown off. "What do you mean..."

"Lenore. She isn't real, (Y/n). Ever since you were little you had a big imagination. But when you went to highschool, and made more friends you somehow imagined Lenore up. You would mention her everyday and when you had sleepovers she would never show, but you still acted as if she was."

"Thats... no it isn't true." The girl began tho realize that none of them ever responded when she talked. "No it.... But the new boys talked to her!"

"They probably felt bad... I'm sorry that it had to come to me breaking the news to you this way, but it had to be done." Her uncle and aunt were now away. The look at the older women's face told her that he wasn't lying. Tears of disbelief were streaming down her face. She ran up the stairs in the heat of tthe moment and slammed her door. 'Lenore isn't real?! What the fuck?!?' she raced over to her phone and dialed her number. It rang for a few moments until a voice played.

"We're sorry but this number has been canceled. Please dial 1 for more support. Have a nice day!"

"No... NO!" She dialed again, but was met with the same tone. "Oh my god!" She fell to the floor, crying hysterically. "LENORE!" She yelled.

"I'm sorry, (Y/n)." A voice in the back of her head played. It was... Well you know.

"No. You're now real. Leave me alone!" She yelled.

"I didn't want it to come to this. I am all you'll ever need!"

"YOU ARENT REALY SO GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" The room went silent as she sat on the floor. "This us too much. I need to leave. I need to get out of this place." The girl packed a few things and snuck down the stairs. Her aunt and uncle were arguing.

"Why couldn't you have soften the blow?!" Her aunt yelled.

"It isn't my fault! She let it go on for this long." He crossed his arms. (Y/n) snuck by, undetected.

"You can be such an asshole sometimes you know that?" She opened the door and stopped.

"Goodbye..." (Y/n) whispered as she slowly shut the door. The sun was setting and the breeze was rolling in. The traitors were gone and the boys were inside. (Y/n) couldn't find it in herself to hate the boys. She somehow knew that it was the girls' fault that she was excluded. As the girl set out she looked at her house. A tear began to fall.

"Going somewhere?" The girl half jumped when the voice came out of nowhere. She turned to see Spencer.

"What the... I didnt even see you."

"Magic." He chuckled. "Before you go can I invite you in? Me and guys want to apologize, and we can't properly do that without having a little ice cream." His smile was welcoming, and manipulative. The girl hesitated, but agreed and followed the sign into the house.

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