"I promise you."

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CHAPTER 17.....

Justin's P.O.V

"S-selena w- what are you.why are you crying..." I stuttered out of shock I wasn't expecting her to come. My body went stiff I wanted to wrap her up into a hug but I physically couldn't, it was killing me to see her cry.

"Justin...I'm so sorry for leaving like that, can I come in and explain everything."

She had a look of pain in her eyes, my body finally kicked in and started to work, I pulled her in and kissed her leaning her up against the wall..

She deepened the kiss, meaning she was enjoying it and wrapped her arms around my neck, a grin formed on my lips which broke the kiss, I rested my forehead on hers.

She doesn't realise that it's too late now, I'm attached to her, I just hope she stays with me.

"You don't have to explain anything sel, I understand....just promise me one thing." I took a step back still intertwining our hands and locked eyes with hers

"Promise what.?" She looked confused

"Promise me you won't leave me again."

She smiled and brought my body back to hers again.

"Justin we've known each other for three weeks now and I've never thought about someone so much in my life, from the moment I wake up to the minute I fall to sleep you're on my mind."

I've never been good with expressing my feelings to anyone but I know that I never want to lose her, I wanted to be there for her, protect her, I wanted her to be with me forever.

I can tell you now that this feeling I have, I never want it to end she give me chills when she said my name and her touch could be the death of me.

I knew what I wanted to say to her I just couldn't find the words to say it.

"I-I Erm...."

For god sake Justin spit it out

"I never want to lose you..!!!!" I blurted it out, i ran my fingers across her jaw.

"This is for real now, selena when you went, I couldn't even think straight, please don't do that again."

I brushed the hair out of her face and leaned over to kiss her.

"I promise you."

I grabbed her arm and walked us both up the stairs.


Selena's P.O.V

How did I manage this, how did I manage to get so lucky. I used to just be a fan in the crowed to him, he meant everything to me and now look...I mean everything to him now.

He's the sweetest and most caring person I've ever met, I didn't think he would be like this considering he was practically the worlds biggest pop star.

I snapped back to reality as we reached the top of the stairs, I watched him push open the door and I shuddered as the memory came flooding back...why did I leave him?!

"It's okay baby, what's happened is in the past now, can we just lay together in the bed please...?!"

I felt uneasy but couldn't say no to him, his eyes are irresistible but before I had time to answer he picked me up bridal style and carried me over to the bed placing me down gently.

"You're my princess." He said leaning over me

I grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him on top of my body, he propped himself up onto his elbows trying not to smother me and rested his head onto my chest.

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