Chapter 12 Mission to save them

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The pastas explained to their master what had happened since he had been gone. Slenderman shook his head, "We may be able to get Ej back, but I don't know about ___, I can't disobey her fathers rules so if we get her back isn't our choice. Everyone get ready we're leaving at midnight" he said teleporting out of the room and all the other pastas hurried off to get ready.

Time skip to midnight

"Be polite boys I don't want us getting into anymore mess, we'll be lucky to even get Eyeless Jack back so, this may be the last time you see ____"slenderman said as they walked out of the house
"Who cares about her dad I will take her back without asking, he can't stop me" Jeff said.

"Well you obviously don't know who her dad is"

____ POV

He opened the big doors to an empty office, relief washed over me knowing he wasn't inside. "Won't you take a seat  princess?" Jacob asked "let go of me" I  ripped my arm away and made distance away from Jacob

He just laughed and sat in front of her lazily, gazing at the girls beauty. "Jacob do u really want me to get married to that ass? I can't marry him Jacob! Let me go please I won't tell anyone you let me go, it'll be like-" "QUITE" Jacob yelled over me, trying to block out me pleads. "I'll just leave out the window no one will notice!" "What ___, so you can go back to them? I won't let them have you" "But you'll allow me to marry him?!" Jacob lowered his head and didn't say a word, "I never knew you were a coward" then the door open. "Little ___, I finally found you" said my brother as he walked over to me. He gripped my chin hard and made me look at him "Never run off again, do you understand" I nodded and he let me go "father will be back soon he just has some things to do, Jacob, you can Leave now" Jacob stood up "yes sir" he exited the room with his head down.

"now sit"

It was silent, we sat across from each other and said nothing, I kept my head down and he just watched me. Never taking his eyes away. Next thing we know there was a 'bam' of the door opening, as our heads turned, my father stood in my eye sight.

"As I said father, here she is"
He look at me and gestured me to stand. I stood and he walked closer.

He grabbed my chin and looked at me in the eyes.

"Never do anything like that again" he let go and there was a knock on the door.

"Sir you have visitors" said a slave, bowing his head.

"Who might they be?" Asked my father, turning away from me for only a second to get a glance at the slave and turning back to stare at me once again.

"Slanderman sir, and his companions"

I looked over to him in shock.

"Yes of course, I'll be right with them, son please look after ur sister while I'm gone" father said looking at my big brother.

"Yes father"

He left the room and I sat there in silence, I hope they're alright.

Slendermans POV

"Im guessing you want a certain boy back" says ___'s father walking in. "Would that be a problem?" I asked him, he smirked.

"Oh not at all, but if you're even thinking about seeing my daughter ever again,well that might be a problem" i could hear a few grunts come from the boys "I understand that you're upset, but we did look after ___ and we believe she should get a choice" I say, trying not to cross him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2017 ⏰

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