Small words
May seem like they do
Like they're just a
Small movement
Of the water.
But if you gather enough of these
You can create waves.
These waves can save humanity, bringing them to safety, washing away enemies.
Or these waves can sink ships.
It takes a million words to create the wave we want.
It takes so few to drown us.

❤️A note from the mind of Horror❤️- Thanks for being my wave of support! 😉🌊 I wouldn't be here without any of you. Almost at 1k! Oh my goodness!
Anyway, I just wanted to thank you all for making sure I don't get washed away. You've been my anchor in the crazy ride that is life. I won't say this has been going swimmingly, because you'll hate me XD. I'll just say thanks. Love you all. ❤️

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