Start from the beginning

Emmett purses his lips, letting his gaze flit from Lydia to Toby and back to Lydia. "Okay," he says after a moment. "Don't forget we're –"

"Working on the project after school, I know," Lydia rolls her eyes. "Leave."

Emmett holds his hands up in mock surrender and quickly departs, offering Toby a hesitant smile before he does so. Lydia waits till he's done so, before leaning in closer and uncrossing her legs.

"Level with me," she murmurs, tilting his chin slightly so he can't look away and letting her eyes search his face. "Is this about Allison or Daniel or something else or all of the above?"

Toby pulls away slightly, blinking.


"Something else, I guess," he mutters, not looking her in the eye.

"And have you told anyone else about this something?"

"Not really."

"Were you planning on doing so?"

"Not really."

Lydia looks at Toby, who looks at his feet. "Toby," she says again, only this time it's softer, less no-nonsense and more pleading.

Toby lets a breath push past his lips shakily, and it wavers in the silence between them. "I'm fine," he says, forcing himself to look her in the eye. "Honestly, I promise. Just...lots of work. Stress. Y'know."

Lydia is silent for a long time, and clearly wants to push the matter further, but seems to think better of it, instead saying, "Fine. But make sure you explain that to your best friend. Or even better, maybe you can tell him whatever you clearly don't want to tell me."

"Lydia –"

"I'm not upset," she shakes her head. "I just want you to not be upset. Promise me you'll talk it out with Daniel?"

Toby hesitates, before saying, "I promise."

"Good," Lydia  stands up, brushing nonexistent dust off her skirt. "And nobody breaks promises that they make to me, Martin."

Toby smiles. "I don't doubt it."

She offers her hand to him and pulls him up out of his seat when he takes it. "Talk to Daniel," she orders. "Also, watch The Lion King with Allison as soon as possible. Put her out of her misery."

"Misery?" Toby repeats incredulously. "The Lion King is –"

"Beautiful, amazing, inspiring, the most important musical film ever made, etcetera,etcetera," Lydia rolls her eyes. "I know."

16.17, Toby Martin: allison?

16.25, Toby Martin: allison??

16.37, Toby Martin: alliiiisssoooooooon

16.45, Allison Reed: I see I'm no longer being avoided like the plague.

16.46, Allison Reed: Or are you only deigning to talk to me through text?

16.48, Toby Martin: okay

16.48, Toby Martin: i deserved that

16.49, Toby Martin: let me make it up to you?

16.50, Allison Reed: With what, watching The Lion King?

16.50, Toby Martin: ...yes?

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