"I had a lot more practice over the seven years you've been gone. I bet your voice still sounds the same." You said calmly, yet the four of them could hear the venom in it. Gajeel became slightly pale, only for a second, before he had let out a loud chortle.

"As if princess!" Your eye twitched at one of his many nicknames he held for you. You heard a snicker come from Laxus.

"You both suck a singing." He stated simply, causing both you and Gajeel to turn your attention to him.

"You don't have a singing voice." Gajeel said, dropping his arm on your shoulder to lean on.

"You can't even sing. At least I'm better than the both of you combined." It was your turn to speak, your words causing both of them to glare at you. Multiple claps was heard from Mira as she decided to speak up.

"Or, how about the three of you sing! I already have a song that needs three people to sing it." Mira asked, looking at the three of you in front of her.

"No way!" You, Laxus, and Gajeel said at the same time, Natsu left long ago after feeling the atmosphere change between you and your two dumb witted friends.

"I will pay each of you to sing it." That's what caught your attention. Before Laxus and Gajeel had time to speak, you took a step towards her.

"How much we talkin' here?" You question, causing the boys behind you to sigh. Gajeel knew you would never change if someone brought up giving you money in return for you to do something.

"100 jewels each." Mira said softly. You tilted your head, shifting your body weight on one foot.

"200 jewels each."





"Fine! 250 jewels each!" Mira's voice raised, knowing she wasn't going to win against you. You gave a small smirk, before it dropped.

"What's the song?" You asked, returning to your position between the Lightning and Iron Dragon Slayers.

"All you got to know is you, "she pointed to Gajeel. "You sing Evan's part. You-" she pointed to Laxus, "you do Jared's part. And (Y/n)-" Mira pointed to you, "you sing Connor's part."

The three of you stood there in confusion, until you all finally understood what she meant.

"NO WAY!" The three of you said in sync, which only caused Mira to shake her head.

"That gives us all different personalities Mira! I'm not a cheerful person!" You spoke, your voice becoming darker with each and every word you spoke, your (h/l) (h/c) hair covering your left eye.

"I'm not even anti-social. That's messed up." Gajeel said his arms crossed as he turned away.

"And why do I have to act like his friend for it!" Laxus said, pointing to Gajeel making him hmph.

"One, you all already chose to do it. Two, Connor is mysterious and he opens up when someone breaks his walls like you (Y/n). The other two aren't like the both of you, sorry. But get going!" Mira pushed the three of you towards the front of the guild, where a stage was. She pushed the three of you onto it, gaining the members attention.

"Hi everyone! (Y/n), Gajeel, and Laxus will be putting on a show for us, they'll be singing!" Everyone clapped and whistled while she walked off. You sighed to yourself, knowing that in this song Connor is all happy, smiles, and dances during it.

You were practically in gear for him. Your hair stayed the same, covering your left eye, you had a couple earrings in, you wore (f/c) sweater today, with (f/c) pants, with your ankle high black boots. You rolled the sleeves of your sweater up above your elbow, and cleared your throat when the song started.

The Difference Between You and Me (Gajeel x Reader) // HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now