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A Few Hours Earlier

War is not a pretty thing.

It should never be idolized, or praised.

It should never be worshiped as the perfect form of problem solving. For in fact, it is the most impure.

Let it be said, war is almost inevitable. There is no way around certain actions that lead to war.

What Hitler did in the 40's, could not be solved by a mere talking to. War was in his veins. He pushed everyone around him into the act of fighting. He brought it upon himself, and he was finished by the same act.

When the war on Cybertron began, many knew it could have been avoided. Greed and jealousy were the main reasons behind the uprising. A greed that grew in Megatrons spark, until nothing else remained. It became who he was.

War was his very soul.

Evil men crave it. They wish to start fights that good men must finish.

True heroes, real soldiers do not start these wars. But for the sake of all the innocent; they finish them.

Wars can rage on for centuries, or, they can die out in a few short years. Those left to deal with the aftermath are often destroyed trying to stop the fight they had no part in starting.

The Autobots and Decepticons dragged the human race into a foolish war that should have ended with the death of Cybertron. Humankind did not ask to take sides, but nevertheless they were forced by the cruelty of the enemy.

NEST, Project Cemetery Wind, The TRF.

All Human divisions created for one sole purpose. To help aid in a war we had no place fighting in. They were filled with men not looking to protect the innocent, but simply end up the victor. Humankind chose the wrong motives in a war they would never understand.

There was not a day that passed that the Autobots didn't feel true remorse for the lives they had played a part in taking.

Mission City, Egypt, France, Chicago, and now Hong Kong.

So much blood had been spilled in the name of alien metal. Mankind had had enough. We would no longer help the robots that forced us to fight. The beings that continued to spill our people's blood on the rock of the earth.

No more.

War was a option few men wanted to choose.

But what do you do when the war chooses you?

Ashes rained down from the sky like black snow as fires raged and burned everything in sight. Rock and rubble was caked in thick black soot as smoke bellowed out of every open area.

Attack drones for the TRF scouted out the area and were demolishing everything that lay in their path. Cade ran around explosions as Bumblebee covered his flank. Drift ran infront of them, scouting out the road ahead.

This was meant to be a recon.

Find the possible Transformer, and get them out.

The bot they found was killed by the TRF; and Hound was badly injured. Crosshairs ran with a arm under Hound, as energon spilled out behind them. "We got'a get him out'a here!" The green mech yelled over the noise of the battlefield. Y/n fired her gun at the drones and ducked behind a flipped car. Her clothes were stained with the energon of the unnamed bot, and Hound.

She was supposed to be staying with Crosshairs, but things got shaken when Hound took a hit. She watched as the army bot hit the ground next to his aid.

"Aw hell. Leave my fat ass here to die. I'll see you all in the after life."

His words were shouted over the sounds of gunfire, but Cade refused to let him go.

"You get that fat ass off the ground and you transform! We are not leaving this hellhole without you so get it together!"

"More...Drones are...coming! We need...To go!"

Y/n heard Bee's words and watched as they all prepared to leave.

She had a clearing.

She needed to run.

She sprinted across the rubble and smiled as her family grew closer.

A blast was sent to the drone in back of her.

Its last warning shot, which had been aimed for the bots, was thrown down due to its decent.

The blast hit the ground directly in front of Y/n.

Rubble and dirt was sent flying everywhere along with the now broken body of the teen. A scream ripped through her lungs, but the sound was no match for the sound of the blast.

War is never going to be a pretty thing.

All men fear it, but not nearly as much as they should.

A lust for war in not simply born, but taught.

Mankind had seen enough war in the past few years to last them till the end of time.

The longer a battle rages, the more likely men are to forget why they are fighting. This endless battle between Humans and Transformers no longer had a meaning. There was no endgame.

We need them and they need us.

No amount of fighting will change the fact that without one another, we have no point. Just meaningless life forms drifting through endless space.

Without this war, what would man be? This war as taken on its most destructive form.

It's consumed the lives of all those who are in it.

Without this war.......

We are nothing......

Y/n felt a sharp pain in her stomach and heard a ringing in her ears. Her own blood now pooled around her like thick red water. Her heartbeat was slow and unsteady. Her head turned to face the bots. She watched past the smoldering flames as they transformed and drove off down the road.....

Leaving her alone.....

Her eyes looked up.

Could anyone see her right now?

Was Optimus watching from his place in the stars?

A small laugh escaped her lips along with a spurt of blood. This was the end of the war for F/n L/n.

This meaningless fight was now releasing yet another victim.

A pair of bright blue optics filled her fading vision.

She smiled.

"Cogman! J'ai trouvé la fille!"

Those optics smiled own at her as a large servo scooped her up safely.

Her world was fading.

"Do not be afraid mademoiselle. You are safe now...."

That was the last thing Y/n heard before her world went black.......


"Where is.....Y/n..?" Bumblebee asked terrified. 

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