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To face death is seen as one of the most profound acts of courage. But to walk away from the face of death unharmed;

That was being a true hero.

Y/n's vision was fading from black to light over and over again. She felt the need to sleep, but the pain in her body continued to wake her. Her eyes opened momentarily and she tried to absorb her surroundings.

She was no longer in the street, but lying on the backseat of a car. The soft hum of the engine beneath her sent her into an almost instinctual calm. That feeling was tied to so many memories of being young, and riding in Optimus' cab.

The feeling of the engine was linked to the thought of being safe.

She let another small smile curl her lips as the setting sun glared in through the windows.

"Reste éveillé mon amour...."

Those words.....

That sound......

She knew that last word.....

"Mon amour"


"What does that mean?" The little girl asked looking up from her coloring book.

"What does what mean sweetheart?" William Lennox asked picking up a crayon for his own coloring page.

"Mon... a.....a...a-something."

Lennox laughed as a smile curled his lips. "Mon Amour?" He asked sweetly, the words spoken slowly so that she could here him. Y/n put her blue crayon down and smiled, revealing her missing teeth. "Yeah! That. What does that mean?"

Lennox rested his chin in his hand and placed his elbow on the "Little Tikes" table.

"Are you asking me that cuz' I called you that earlier?" He cooed, earning a nod and smile from the child. "Well," He began adding the finishing touches on his "My Little Pony" coloring page, "It means "my love" in French."

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