3 Months Later

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Bumblebee was at a loss. It had been almost a full 3 months since that fateful day in the city, 3 months since his processor flipped through radio stations to find the name Y/n.

  Things had gotten worse since she died, and not just for him. The whole planet was on the verge of something, something bigger than they had ever seen before. He could feel the shift in the air as he sat alone away from the rest. He knew that the time to fight again was approaching, and as much as he wanted to stay here forever away from the fighting and death, he had no choice.

Prime was still gone after all.

The cold night air blew through his frame as he sat atop the ‘Auto Parts’ billboard, his optics trained on the ever-expanding sky. “If she was here,” he thought to himself, “She’d know exactly what to say to take this weight off my spark.”

  A creaking noise filled the air around him as he glanced down, he hadn’t noticed his servos clenching the ledge until now. The rusty metal under his digits creaked from the impressive force, leaving an imprint in their wake. Y/n would have surly scolded him for warping the metal around her favorite spot. The spot they used to fight over first thing in the morning…

What could only be described as a sigh escaped his chest plate, as he looked to the now rising sun. Cade would be up soon, and the rest would follow. Had he really been up the whole night? When was the last time he had a full recharge cycle?

3 months ago…


“You’re not really gonna leave, right?” Y/n’s voice drifted out over the Texas air as Bee came to a halt behind her. She kicked at some coal from a nearby train as her gaze shot over her shoulder to the yellow mech. Bee was frozen, he didn’t know how to respond much less how to even begin to fathom actually leaving. His shoulder pads drooped along with his door wings as he looked back at his leader; Optimus wasn’t wavering, that much was for certain. B-127 had made a promise to the Prime back during the start of the war, a promise that he would follow his leader into The Pit if he asked, but now? Now he wasn’t so sure.

   “I get that he's angry, he has every right to be.” Y/n began squatting down to pick up the coal she had been kicking. “But man…” She let an airy chuckle leave her lungs as she threw the coal as far as it could go, landing against a train car with a small thud. “It’s almost like he doesn’t give a shit about me anymore…”

  Bumblebee perked up at that, he knew that wasn’t true. Optimus cared for her in a way she might never understand, the same way he cared for… Sam. His processor ached to recall the memory of his old friend.

  “Hey now…. That's just outrageous!” Bee spoke, the female voice leaving his intake echoing around his helm. Y/n laughed, but Bee knew it was fake. His peds crushed dying grass and gravel underfoot as he made his way to the human's small form. He squatted down beside her standing figure, faceplate now level with her eyes.

  “I wouldn’t blame you if you left ya know.” She stated, voice as cold as ice. “After everything we’ve done to you? I’d get it if you just walked away.” She forced a smile at the mech as she brushed sweat from her brow; Texas heat was no joke.

  “You, my dear…. Have done nothing…. Wrong.” He stated. Y/n felt comfort swell in her gut at the familiarity of the radio voices addressing her she wondered, if after all this with Lockdown was said and done, she would ever hear that radio static and splicing again.

“He’s barely even addressed me since we reunited. It’s almost like it’s hurting him to acknowledge me.” She looked back at Cade, who was now hugging his daughter. She felt jealousy swarm her bones at the action and moved her gaze to Optimus. He stood tall and emotionless, the only thing readable on his faceplate was the anger swelling in his optics.

“Once he’s done helping Cade, he’s finished with humans…” She laughed bitterly, “Yeah. Well, that’s fine with me.”    

Bee’s spark ached. He watched as she rolled her tongue around the inside of her lips, eyes darting upwards to stop the tears forming there from falling.

“I won't… ever leave… your… side… sweetheart.” He chirped.

Y/n sniffed loudly,
  “Don’t make promises you can’t keep Bee.”


     In some cruel twist of fate, it seems he hadn’t kept that promise he made that day. It ate away at him as he watched the earth’s sky turn a misty shade of pink in wake of the rising sun. After all he had lost over the centuries of existence, he was certain this hurt him the most. He would gladly go through the pain of losing his voice box to Megatron all over again if it meant he could have Y/n back.

He would give up the world for her.

That's when it hit him. Full force like an Energon blaster to the chest. He hadn’t just lost a friend or even a family member that day.

He had lost his Sparkmate.

“You plotting something up there big guy?”

  Bee’s optics darted down to Cade, standing tall on the ground below his peds. His smile filled Bee with a sense of dread; he hadn’t worn a real one since Y/n died. Being met with silence Cade turned his eyes to the spot next to Bee, a wave of regret washing over him. It seemed like just yesterday Y/n was sitting there throwing her trash at him like he was some sort of butler.

A sighed rushed from Cade’s lungs as he ran a hand through his messy hair,
   “I know Bumblebee.” He began, watching as the mech placed her servo over the spot she used to sit.

“I miss her too.”

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