Harry was still in shock, but finally managed to form some type of sentence. "Um, you can just help observe the test tube and turn on and off the burner, if that's alright."

Ashton just nodded, as he stared at the test tube. Three chemicals down and ten minutes later, he finally started to speak.

"So are you in some polygamy relationship with Eleanor and that senior?" Ashton asked, his honey glazed eyes staring back up at Harry.

The curly haired boy's eyes widened in shock. "What?" he asked, giving the tube a quick glance.

"She's dating that senior, right? Louis Tomlinson, or whatever. You hang around him a lot, I just figured."

"N-No," Harry exclaimed, trying not to be too loud to cause a scene. "He's my best friend. Don't you have a friend you're really close with?"

"Yeah, I did."

Harry instantly shut his mouth. He should've learned by now only bad things happen whenever he starts talking. He either says something insensitive or makes himself look like a fool. Unlike most people who do the same thing and easily brush it off, Harry took words, his own and others, to heart.

"The color is changing and it's smoking," Ashton stated, staring at the test tube again.

Harry looked back, confirming his partner's observation, before placing the tube back in the rack, while scribbling down notes on his paper.

"Do you really think it was a suicide?" Ashton asked, after turning off the gas.

"Um," Harry looked up. He rarely talked to any of his classmates, and this was probably the most he's talked to anyone in his grade. And it was the most uncomfortable. "I-I didn't know him as well as you did."

"I don't think it was," Ashton admitted, his arms crossed. "Luke texted me that night. Yeah, he was pissed, who wouldn't? He was dating this chick for over a year and she cheated on him. But he wouldn't have done shit like that. I know him. I grew up with him. He wouldn't have wasted more than five minutes over it. Arzaylea's a bitch, everyone knew that and only put up with her arse for Luke. Once they broke up it only took him a second to realize that."

Harry didn't really understand why Ashton was telling him this, and Ashton didn't have a good response either, but this was the first time for him actually talking about it to someone other than his friends. Michael believed Luke killed himself, while Calum was suspicious, and Ashton wouldn't accept it. Out of the four of them, Luke and Ashton were the closest. He couldn't deal with Luke doing something like that. He wouldn't do something like that. It wasn't possible.

"Well, what do you think happened?" Harry asked.

"I really don't know," Ashton responded, his voice free of emotion. "It's just strange."

- - -

"Holy fuck!"

Niall could only stare, in both horror and disgust, at the scene in front of him. He was in the same position as before, sitting on the floor, his back pressed against the bathroom door, as the two men were in front of him.

Daddy was standing across from him, sweat rolling down the sides of his face, his eyes rolling back, as euphoria flowed through his body. His black jeans were unbuttoned, barely clinging up on his legs, as the other blonde continued to bob his head around the man's member.

Things escalated fairly quickly when the man came down from the metal ladder. He asked Niall how he was doing, giving him a kiss on the cheek, before giving his full attention to Luke. Which resulted in telling the boy to get on his knees, while he unzipped his pants.

The man grabbed a fist full of Luke's hair, causing the boy to gag over the man's length being shoved into his mouth.

"Shit," the man breathed, feeling the warmth of the boy's mouth on the member. His pump pink lips wrapped around him, giving extremes feeling of pleasure.

Luke on the other hand, just kneeled there, letting the man move him back and forth, as if he was nothing, but a doll. While he was forced to participate, he was certainly not willing. Fearing of a punishment if not doing so, was not consent. A giant part of him felt a mixture of both guilt and shame through this experience. Through the countless hours spent in Sex Ed. class, he knew this sort of thing could happen to guys, however it was rarely ever discussed. His teacher spent course discussing ways to prevent sexual assault and what to do afterwards, but it was mainly addresses to the women. He never thought that him, a guy, would go through something like this. That was why he had given up.

He couldn't go back after everything he'd been through. He couldn't face his friends, his family, everyone after what had happened. He would be an embarrassment. People laughed at guys who went through this trauma, they couldn't comprehend what it was like to be forced to do something like this.

Though a tear did fall from his face, when the sudden warmth of a salty substance exploded into his mouth, filling up his cheeks. From past knowledge, Luke knew what he had to do, and he hated it. Closing his eyes, he gulped, letting the sticky substance slide down his throat, making him feel instantly nauseated as he tried not to gag.

"Good boy," the praised, his breaths short and rigid, as it took him a moment to fully adjust himself, before pulling back him member and buttoning up his jeans.

"You're such a good boy, pumpkin," the man said, before kneeling down to the boy's level, kissing his drenched forehead. The kiss lingered, as Luke inhaled deeply, trying to catch his breath. The man's taste remained in his mouth, which made him want to vomit. No matter how many times he had done it, he would never get use to it.

"You're going to be good today?" the man asked, lifting Luke's head to make eye contact.

Luke slowly nodded, his blue eye's practically lifeless. "Yes, daddy," Luke whispered quietly.

Daddy's smiled widely, giving the boy another kiss."Good boy," he repeated, his voice high and cheerful.

The man raised from his position, leaving Luke where he was, broken and beaten. Making slow strides, he went to the other lad in the room, causing the hairs of Niall's neck to stand straight.

The shadow cast over him, made Niall coward in fear of the man. What was he going to do to him? After seeing everything from just a second ago, he was mortified over the thought.

"You going to be good too, baby?" the man asked, an eyebrow raised.

Niall nodded.

"That's what daddy likes to hear." The man's smile returned, as ruffled with Niall's hair. It made him feel like a dog. It made him feel like property.

It made him feel owned.

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