Reckless Courage

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Reckless Courage

It took some time to sort through all the belongings and people that had come aboard the Dauntless into Gwenael. It wasn't until her second day back in her room that what remained of Colette's luggage was returned to her. She had lost most of her clothing, including her only dress. What remained mostly consisted of her sword and her chain mail.

She found the former resting on the bedroom bench at the foot of her bed and the latter draped over a mannequin that had been newly placed just to hold the intricate armor. She frowned at the sight of them because they were both tarnished and dull.

Colette grabbed the chain mail from the mannequin. As she was scooping up the sword, there was a gentle knock on the door.

"Come in," she called out, looking over her shoulder.

The door opened and Nina stepped inside. She took a long look at Colette before nodding in approval. "I had heard you were laid up in bed. I'm glad to see you moving around."

"The pain medications help," Colette said, looking down at her feet. They still ached dully, but it wasn't nearly so hard to put her weight on them any longer.

"And the wounds to your arms and legs?" Nina walked further into the room, the large coat she wore over her shoulders moving like a cape with each deliberate step of her long legs.

"The bandages came off this morning." Colette lifted her arm to look over the scabs that decorated her skin. They were healing well, but it could take a week or two more before they had fully sealed shut. At least they weren't breaking open at the slightest provocation any longer.

"Were you going somewhere?" Nina looked at the chain mail and sword with a raised brow.

Colette frowned at them. "They're dirty. I think some of the links of the shirt need replacing. I'm taking them to Ferrant's shop."

"Okay, but the king wants to see you first."

"The king? Why?" She paled, her heart dropping in terror.

Nina raised an eyebrow at the reaction. "He just wants to make sure for himself that you're healing well. You're not in trouble for anything."

"I should be," Colette said sadly, looking away in shame.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I... Because I..."


Colette choked on the word again. Nina watched as she flinched, her face drawn in pain.

The corner of Nina's mouth lifted in a small grin. "You can't even admit it yet? It seems like you've learned nothing at all."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

Nina shook her head. "The king isn't going to punish you for losing Antonin Pass. It was already a long shot that it could be recovered after Lea failed anyway. He's just grateful that you've returned alive. He's with Queen Radelle right now having lunch on the eastern garden terrace."

"And, where is that?"

"I'll have someone show you the way. I just came to tell you that and to check up on you myself. Don't worry about anything. Just rest."

"Yes, Nina," Colette nodded, frowning.

"By the way, excellent work with Jorives and Gy-Hamelin. Losing the pass doesn't overshadow your previous victories. It was your first campaign; you did better than can be expected of someone who had little to no military experience beforehand. Be proud."

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