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A storm raged that night, blocking out even the faint glow of the stars.  Rain poured down in sheets, and lightning cast the hall in an eerie light, throwing shadows over the rows of treasure that commemorated the adventures of the Order-- both old and new.  Ghast tears, sea lanterns, prismarine.  A white pumpkin, the Eversource crown, the Redstone Heart.  The Portal Atlas, and Lukas's journal.  Two Nether stars- one pure and bright as crystal, the other a deep, shadowed purple.  And at the center of all of them, a solitary dragon egg...

An egg that had begun suddenly to tremble.

At first it was hardly visible-- a faint tremor every few seconds.  But as the night wore on, the lightning outside echoed the cracks on the egg's surface, until finally the shell split in two.  Thunder roared outside, and the egg went still.  Then, slowly, the upper half of the shell began to rise.  Purple eyes gleamed out beneath it, and a dark form slid out into the silent hall.  The hollow shell crumbled to dust and disintegrated into nothingness, and the lithe shadow crept softly through the hall, pausing every few moments to glance around, wide-eyed, and listen, jumping at every crash of thunder.  At last it made its way to the door, and, with one final glance back, it slid around the corner and vanished into the shadows.

. : D R A G O N B O R N : . (a MCSM fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now