Olivia was of the opinion that Lady Baynes was practicing her matchmaking prowess upon Olivia. The thought was outrageous since she was, as always, a mere governess. Catherine may be for equality between the classes or whatever fervent belief compelled her to treat Olivia with such grace, but the sons of Le Bon Ton would turn their aristocratic noses up at her.  

"My lord," started Olivia. She placed her napkin on the table. "Lady Baynes...do you think she means to make me a match?" 

Alexander set his newspaper aside and leveled a look at Olivia. "Well, Miss Fairfax, I would say that is highly possible. Cat likes to manage matters and see people settled. If not marriage then another way. That is how she is. If you do not like her efforts, please let me know and I will quietly dissuade her." 

"Oh no! No...it is fine. I just find it deuced peculiar. I had thought-well...I had thought she was pushing for me to become Lord Dryden's mistress." Her face grew hot. She could only think of that man's eyes. "I should not talk so openly about this matter. It is not right. But I am not right." She broke off and let out a breath. "I am making little sense. I just...I am not sure what I am trying to say." 

"You did not say much, but I have understood your meaning. You may decide what you want out of your life. As Cat has made abundantly clear, you are family. This means I consider you under my protection. You have the power of my name if you need it." With those words paired with a polite smile, Lord Baynes quit the breakfast room.  

Olivia ran her hands over her face. That was a mortifying conversation. The power of his name? What did that mean? She shook her head. She should pen a quick reply to Lord Dryden. That is, if he was still in London.

14 July 1808 

Bleumoor Park, Kent

Dearest Lord Dryden, 

As always, I hope you are well. Though in this letter, I also hope you are still residing in London. It seems that in a sennight, we shall be making our way to town. Lady Baynes declared her intentions this morning. She believes the girls are lacking drastically in clothing. So, to London we go! 

I hope that you may still have time to escort me to the British Museum. I shall not sleep one wink in anticipation of that event!  

One last matter...I have, after only one year, tricked Charlotte and Lizzy into using the library. But I shall not reveal my secrets. I fear they may fall into the wrongs hands.

Your Affectionate Friend, 

Miss Olivia Fairfax

P.S. I have not had any chance to read that Rousseau book. I trust that on the trip to London, I shall find enough peace to read.

"You are grinning like a right fool," commented Giles Nicholson, Earl of Linville. His dark eyes bored into his friend's profile. "I know it is not a letter from Cecily. I can only imagine you have finally wrangled a mistress." 

Dryden still smiled as he folded the letter and stuffed it in his waistcoat. "No, not a mistress. A pen-pal perhaps. She is Baynes' governess." 

"A governess? I wonder if it's the same one I met at their country party last year. A little thing. Great big eyes and a very pretty figure. Say, is she not about sixteen?" 

"Who would have a sixteen year old governess? Miss Fairfax is not yet twenty. She is exceedingly accomplished for such a young age." 

"That is still young for a governess." Giles shrugged his shoulders. "Why are you exchanging letters with her if she is not your mistress? I am not one to harp about propriety, but that can ruin a woman." 

Philip wanted to argue. He thoughts of countless reasons that could not hold water. Linville was right. As always.  

"They are arriving in town soon. I will end our correspondence in person."  

"It may be for the best," agreed Giles. He did not like the touch of sadness in his friend's eyes. He yawned aloud and looked around the club. It was empty due to the hour. London was empty and those left behind had stayed up far too late carousing in brothels and other intimate establishments. Giles, however, had a temperamental opera singer as his mistress. A Signorina Gabriella Luccini of golden voice and Titian hair.  

That's what Philip needed. A mistress. Lord knows his wife, Lady Dryden, had wasted no time in securing her own lover. This governess...what was her name? Miss Fairfax? Yes, that seemed about right. She would not do well for such a role. That girl could have a good life once she found a husband. Governesses never made good mistresses. They could never be satisfied conducting most of their business on their backs.  

Maybe Gabriella knew a woman to introduce to Philip. It's just what he needed. She was sultry and satisfying. At least, that is what he had been told by a slew of other amiable gentlemen.  

"Linville, did you hear me?"  

"No. What were you saying?"  

"I am leaving. This other note," he brandished a smaller card and waved it in the air, "says that they have already arrived in town. I mean to pay them a visit." 

"Can I accompany you? I haven't seen that lot since last summer."  

Philip wanted to refuse his company, but lacked the heart. "If you so desire."  

"Oh, I certainly do."

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