20. By Cupid's Guidance (DaringXCerise)

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This one-shot is also for @EverDisney and her C.A. Cupid one-shot contest! I recommend that you join (or consider joining) her C.A. Cupid Appreciation Club. We are always welcome and happy to have new members, plus it helps to spread a lil' bit more l o v e.


"Why is it so difficult? Why can't I just ask her out?" A voice cried in annoyance of their own current lack of self-confidence. He swept a few strands of hair from his face and sighed audibly, later laying his head down on his desk table. The voice belonged to no other than Daring Charming--eldest son of the notorious King Charming. "I just don't get it . . ." He continued on, completely and utterly distraught over his nervousness. 

Just a few feet away from him was his roommate and one of his best friends. Hopper Croakington III, sort of a scrawny fellow with shyness almost beyond repair, was trying to cheer his buddy up. So far, he's complimented him and even bought him a mirror here and there.

But nothing seemed to be working. 

Now it was time for girl advice. Something that Hopper most certainly was not experienced enough with; nevertheless, he would try. And just maybe (and hopefully) it would go right, and Daring would be back to his usual, overconfident self. 

"Well, who's this lucky lady? "  Hopper began, attempting to sound 'cool'. The other boy tensed a little and traced circles on the expensive wood of his desk.

"Um . . . She's . . . Uh . . ." He couldn't get the words out. All he could do was stammer at the moment. Still, he was dumbfounded as to how he fell for the mysterious Hood in the first place. Was it the way she stood up for herself? Or maybe her agility and speed? Perhaps it was the mysteriousness of her little red hood? He couldn't be sure, that's for sure.   

The future Frog Prince sat up straight in his bed, tossing his thronework and Crownculous hextbook aside. "Woah," He gasped. "If she's making you stutter and stammer like that, she must be spella special!"

Out of reluctance, Daring felt his cheeks go warm. He was blushing. Again. Mentally, he scolded himself. He'd have to work on keeping it from being so noticeable later. After his roomie stopped prying and prodding him for answers, that is. 

"She is! She--she's pretty special . . ."

"So . . . tell me." He pleaded. Daring's brow popped up, confused once more.

He glanced over his shoudler. "T-Tell you wh-what?" In response, Hopper rolled his eyes.

"About the damsel that's got you so worked up, duh." Daring smiled in amusement. She was anything but a damsel in need of saving, that's for sure. If anything, she would be the one to save him! The roles would be totally swapped.

"Well," He tapped his fingers on the table, thinking of what to say. Some people found describing their crushes so easy. It can be difficult telling someone else the beauty you see in them. Usually, this would be a breeze for Daring. Not so much this time around. 

Think of her eyes. Think of her smile. Think of the cute way her nose scrunches up when you accidentally trip or miss a catch during Bookball practice Daring willed himself. A faint smile made its way onto his face. He didn't bother to wipe it away. What was the point in doing that? Hopper had already seen it. Matter of fact, he was probably staring in confusion and concern while Daring was staring into space, thinking of the heroine that had his heart in the palm of her hand. 

"You are completely lovesick." Another voice cut through the wonderful thoughts of the soon-to-be king. Instinctively, he sprung out of his seat, and was met face to face with a pale, slim boy. Humphrey Dumpty stiffened and warily looked up at him, scared to see what he might do. 

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