17. Me! Duh! (FaybelleXHopper)

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This was requested by Sport504 I hope you like it!

It was Science and Sorcery class, and today the students would be getting new partners. Professor Rumplestiltskin wanted to make things even more difficult, so he paired boys up with girls. Not everyone was happy, of course, except for some people who managed to get their crush, like Poppy O'Hair and Sparrow Hood. Faybelle was in her usual seat, in the back, playing games on her MirrorPhone to pass the time. She figured that her partner would just do all the work while she relaxed. Being evil can really wear you out.

"Next up, girl vith pink hair and boy vith glasses." Professor Rumplestiltskin announced. "Lastly, ve have evil fairy and...frog boy."

Faybelle jolted up, dropping her phone in the process. She couldn't believe that out of all the students in her class, she had to be partners with Hopper. Her hand immediately shot up, begging the Professor to call on her.

"Vhat is it?" He asked, raising his non-visible eyebrow.

"Um, I was wondering if I could have a different partner."

"Vhy sure." He said.

"Really?! Wicked awesome! Thanks--"

Professor Rumplestiltskin let out a raspy laugh.

"Vhen the semester is over! VHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"This is a total fairy fail!" She cried as she collapsed her head on the desk.

"Maybe it won't be that bad. I mean, I'm a pretty nice guy, and you're.....you?"

"Shut up. Just get to work." She snapped.

Surprisingly, the two of them worked greatly together. It wasn't such a hassle like they both thought it would be. They talked a lot, and made jokes about the other kids in the class. Neither one of them would dare admit that they were actually having a good time.

And someone was developing a little crush.

~A Month Later~

"I just don't know what I have to do to get her to notice me." Hopper sighed while mixing one of the potions.

"You know, Hopper, Briar and I might not hexactly be friends, but I know for a fact that she doesn't like you the way you think she does." She told him harshly.

Hopper's face fell. Faybelle quickly realized her mistake.

"Listen, don't take that to heart. There are other girls who would kill to be with you! You just...hardly notice them." She bargained.

"Really? Like who?"

"Well there's Ginger--"

"Faybelle!" Ginger shrieked.

"--and that other girl from that other class....then there's someone sitting next to you..." She said coyly.

"I don't get it. You're the only person sitting next to me." Hopper told her.

"Hexactly! It's me, duh!" Faybelle explained.

"Really?" A Wilde smile spread across his face.

"I swear on a fairy's honor." She said with a smile.

"Well, uh, do you want to hangout at lunch then?" He asked sheepishly.

"I thought you'd never ask."

I hope you liked it! Next up, is Dexthena, and another special request 😉

Until next time my lovelies 💜

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