10. Pacify Her (KittyXAlistair)

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This was requested by: Huntress_Controller hope you like it!
Tired, blue, boy walks my way.
Holding a girl's hand.
That basic chick leaves finally.

Now I can take her man.
Kitty Cheshire sat on a bench in the village of Book End, enjoying her favorite ice cream when a boy wearing a blue jacket with clocks and swirls passed by holding a girl with short, platinum blonde hair's, hand. She watched as they both said goodbye and parted their ways. Kitty smiled at him from across the street and he smiled back. She had a crush on him for the longest time, but she could never get the chance to tell him because of his no good girlfriend, Bunny Blanc. But now that she was long gone, it was the perfect opportunity to take her man and claim him as hers.

"Why hello there, Alistair." She greeted the boy with a Cheshire smile.

"Hey Kitty." He waved back.

"Where'd your," she paused to gag, "'girlfriend' run off to?" She said using air quotations.

"Oh, um, she had to study for her, uh, Cooking Class-ic hexam tomorrow." He told her, stammering a bit.

How strange, Alistair wasn't always so nervous around her. It was new, different, Wonderlandiful even. The perfect time. Kitty disappeared and then reappeared next to him, smiling bigger than before.

"I'm guessing she won't be back for a while then, huh?"she asked rhetorically.

"I guess so.." He replied, an awkward silence falling over the two of them.
Someone told me "stay away from things that aren't yours",
But was he yours if he wanted me so bad?
She leaned in closer this time and kissed him quickly before pulling away and smiling mischievously. Alistair was shocked, but not too surprised. He knew from the start that Kitty had liked him, but he never would've imagined her liking him enough to steal him away from Bunny. In truth, though, he did like her back, ever since the day when they tried to escape from Wonderland. Afterwards, it drifted from his mind, but the feelings were slowly coming back to him. Without thinking, Alistair kissed her back, but Bunny was steaming with anger. She had come back because she had left her MirrorPhone in her boyfriend's pocket, but instead she found he and Kitty gushing over each other, and boy was she peeved.

"A-Alistair?! Kitty!" She yelled in disbelief.

"Bunny?" He said, his eyes widening.

"Oh curses!" Kitty cried out with a huff.

"Kitty Cheshire, didn't anyone tell you to stay away from things that aren't yours?!" She questioned the girl with purple pigtails.

Kitty stepped closer and gave Bunny a smirk, "But was he yours if he wanted me so bad?" She told her, referring to Alistair.
Pacify her, she's getting on my nerves.
You don't love her.
Stop lying with those words. (x2)
"Pacify her, Alistair! She's getting on my nerves!" Bunny demanded while pointing directly at Kitty.

"You don't love her. Stop lying with those words!" Kitty told him, crossing her arms. "Pacify her. she's getting on my nerves. You don't love her, so stop lying to yourself."

"He does, too love me!" Bunny yelled.

"Does he, though? Does he really?" Kitty retorted.

"Humph!" Bunny huffed.
I can't stand her whining.
Where's her binky now?
And loving her seems tiring.
So boy just love me, down, down, down.
Kitty was getting hextremely tired of hearing all the reasons why she knew Alistair loved her. She knew all along that he didn't. The only reason why Bunny was trying to prove something was because she knew that she was wrong. It was like she had had her binky ripped out from her mouth when she was a baby, only to be disappointed when she knew that she would never get it back. Besides, it seemed like he was getting tired of being around such a goody two shoes, so why not love the opposite girl instead?
Someone told me "stay away from things that aren't yours",
But was he yours if he wanted me so bad?
"Bunny, why don't you just scram! He clearly doesn't like you the way that you think he does. He's not your boyfriend anymore!"

"Yeah, right, Cheshire!"

"She is right, Bunny." Alistair said, breaking the silence.

"What?!" They both replied.

"Y-you don't mean that, Alistair."

"Yes he does."

"I do."

"What the hex?!" Bunny sobbed while running away.

"Better luck next time!" Kitty called after her while cuddling in Alistair's arms. "This is how everyday should be."

"How about we make it that way, girlfriend?"

"I'd like that very much, boyfriend."
That was kinda fun to write, and sorry I didn't do the whole song, if I did things would just be repeating.

Anyways, Chartly is up next.

Until next time my lovelies 💜

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