Chapter Twenty Two

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The force stopped and Slater yanked himself away from me. I was sure he'd kill me. He only stumbled away from me, confused, burning with rage, but mostly hurt. He'd never submitted to anyone. He was so sure he'd make me submit. He's the Alpha King, he never once suspected I was stronger than him.

I go to approach him, but the growl is so sinister, I question whether it's my mate in front of me. He's threatened. Hurt. Humiliated. Another inch and mate or not he will kill me. I do the only thing I know I should do. I roll onto my back and exposed myself. This isn't just submission, it's absolute submission. It would take less than 5 seconds for him to kill me like this. A position like this restricts all ability to fight back, there is no coming back if he chose to attack me whilst I'm like this. This is more powerful than showing your neck, this is telling him he has the power, he has the control on whether I live or die. That I am below him. I am his bitch.

So why didn't I boast about it? Why don't I make him feel small and claim rights to be King? Because I don't want that. Because this dark and mysterious black wolf is my guidance. He's my direction. He's my authority. But most of all, he's my mate.

Authority, power, and influence all matter to him, but for me, I wouldn't know where to start. Power is useless to me. I like to sit on the sidelines. I don't want the responsibility of other people, of packs or Alphas. I just want to be happy and what makes me happy is seeing Slater happy. So if submitting to him keeps him content, then I'll do it in a heartbeat. This is his territory. He's my leader. He's my Alpha.

I felt his nose press up against my throat, he could rip it out in seconds. It unnerved me and my wolf, but I knew deep down he'd kill himself before he ever hurt me. He pulled away and shifted back. His pride is hurt. I'd damaged his ego and I didn't mean to. His naked figure towered over me and I rolled over standing in front of him. He glared down at me and started to walk away.

I whimpered after him, clasping my mouth around his ankle and causing him to trip and fall with a thud against the ground. That was only going to anger him more. He turned to face me and I pinned him down, my wolf towering over his human body. As I shifted, the blinding pain scorched through me once more and I lay my naked body against his.

"Please don't be angry with me," I pleaded. I didn't know what I could say or do to calm him down. I'd humiliated him. Embarrassed him in the worst imaginable way. I knew he wouldn't forgive me without doing the same back.

He gripped my hair in a tight grasp and yanked my head back, exposing my neck to him. "Who is your Alpha?" He growled and it was chilling. I've feared Slater before, but this was sinister. This shot an anxiety through me that pales my face and my throat close. When he's angry like this, there is no one on this earth scarier. This is why he's the king.

"You're my Alpha," I whimpered, I could feel the arousal building in me. His dominance always turns me on. I'd never want to dominate him. Even if I was stronger, more powerful than him, deep down, that desire in the pit of my stomach screams to submit to him. Not because I have to, but because I want to. I like to fight back. I like to prove I'm strong, that I'm powerful, just to remind him why he's mated to me. But that's only for him to know.

He brushes his lips against my mark and I can sense what he's going to do. He wants to remind me who I submit to. He wants to remind me who's in charge. He wants me to know he's the Alpha.

His grip on my hair only tightens, his other hand pushing his body up so my lower half is pressing into his lap. I could feel him against me, pulsing and hard. This wasn't about pleasure, this is about dominance and control. This is to humiliate me. It should disgust me that he gets pleasure out of embarrassing me and degrading me. But it doesn't, it arouses me beyond belief. "Say it louder," he hisses, gripping my hip and pushing me harder against his shaft, forcing me to grind against him.

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