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Taehyung sat on the edge of the bridge where jungkook was last in, the final words of his love were still ringing in his ear.

"I love you Taehyung and I'll always do, goodbye for now"

in his eyes glistened new tears wetting his old ones, a look of emptiness shadowing his face as he stared blankly at the drifting water.

in his large hands sat a small book stained with dry blood, he opened it at the last page where he stopped.

dear diary,

my mother's last words before sickness picked her like a beautiful flower "Jungkook be strong okay? find a good man who'll protect you and love you inside out"

I wasn't strong as you requested but I still found a good man whom I'll love for eternity even if he despises me

You ripped my heart jungkook but I'll never regret loving you

The end


.... don't kill me k?

I promise a fluffy happy ending in my next story called laptop so make sure you follow me (self-promoting no shame)

BUt for now bye and I'll see you soon 

BUt for now bye and I'll see you soon 

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Dear Diary | kth.jjk | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now