Part VI °* Guardian Angel *°

Start from the beginning

You knew deep down that you were also worried about him, not as much as Minty of course, but still, it counted.

As long as you can remember, Mingyu never got sick, and he had a perfect attendance. He even beat you in that too, because of a seasonal cold that had left you bedridden.

Is he alright? I hope it's nothing serious. You made a mental note to ask his best friend, Wonwoo about him tomorrow.

You let out a deep sigh for the second time already, the sun was setting and you didn't achieve anything at all.

" What's troubling such a pretty lady as you, for all the sighs that have been escaping your sweet lips?" A male voice asked.

You shoot your eyes open to meet with a beautiful pair of brown eyes sitting on the prettiest and most angelic face you had ever seen, looking down at you with a flirty smile.

The pretty boy in question had shoulder length hair tied in a low ponytail. The setting sun's rays behind him made him look even more angelic. All he needed was a church chorus and you would have sworn he was an angel. He was prettier than the girls at your school, including the beautiful popular ones.

You snapped back from your trance as he opened his mouth again to speak. " I'm sorry, have I startled you?"

You quickly shook your head, still unable to comprehend why did such a creature approach you in first place.

Not that you were ugly or anything, you were just a normal girl, with normal features. You weren't that outstandingly pretty or special in anyway. Or so, that's what you thought.

"No, It's okay! I'm okay!" You stammered, while standing up from the bench and facing the stranger.

"Good." Pretty angel showed a playful smile, "Anyways, what is such a beauty doing here alone at this time, sighing all on your own?" He flirtatiously asked again.

You blushed at his comment, its not everyday that you get complimented by a pretty boy like him. " Oh, it's..." you shyly tried to find the words. You weren't used to talking to boys. The only one you talked with comfortably was Mingyu, scratch that, more like argued comfortably with. But again, it's probably because you knew him since you were all small.

"I was looking for my cat, Minty. I lost him yesterday and i can't seem to find him anywhere." You sadly looked down. It was almost night time and you were scared for him again. Did he eat? Was he cold? Was he safe? All these questions trotted on your mind.

"I'm sorry, it must have been hard on you." He sympathicaly said, "I can help you look for him if you want to." He kindly offered.

You mentally debated whether to accept or refuse him. He was afterall still a stranger to you. He could be a serial killer or a rapist. That thought sent chills to your spine. You already had much to think of and now you had to think of how to escape from a criminal.

Stop overthinking about everything, ____! It's not gonna get you anywhere.

The boy standing in front of you saw your cute "lost in thoughts" expression. With slightly furrowed brows, pouty lips, and eyes staring at space. My little human is so cute! I wanna squish her up. He internally fanboyed over you. Then something clicked him.

"How rude of me, I haven't introduced myself yet." He cleared his throat and with a dashing smile said, " I am Yoon Jeonghan, M'lady." He put his hand out for what you thought was a handshake.

" I am ____ ______. Nice to meet you, Jeonghan-ssi." You reached out to him to shake his hand, but much to your surprise, he delicatly took your hand in his, and put it to his lips. Deposing a brief kiss on the back of your hand. "A beautiful name, for a beautiful flower like you."

With this action, you felt all the blood rush to your face. It was the first time you had this much physical contact with someone of the opposite sex, or someone at all. And you clearly weren't used to it.

But somehow, you felt at ease with him. As if you've known him since forever. You finally came out with the decision of letting him help you. The more people helping you, the more chances of finding Minty were high. Right?

You stuttered some "thank you's" as sheepishly scratched the back of your head. You took a deep breath and opened your mouth, " Yoon Jeonghan-ssi, if your offer is still up, I take it. I'd be glad if you helped me look for Minty." You outed.

"Of course I still want to. If not, I wouldn't have offered at all." He sweetly smiled at you. You gratefully bowed your head to him, missing the little smirk he did.

Of course he would be glad. Afterall, his plan was going as planned. He even got your trust.

How could I forget something like this.

Indeed, whenever an angel touches his respective human, a kind of deep connection is born between them. And the trust bond that links them gets stronger. That's why you easily gave it and accepted. Like who would ever agree to that. ( Remember kids, never do that or agree to that. Whether they give you candy or are actual eye candy )

"It's getting late and dark, it's not safe for you to be wandering around at this time. Searches at night won't get you anything. Let me walk you home, M'lady."  You nodded your head, unable to add more nor to argue. You were cold and hungry.

After few quarters of walking, you finally arrived at your appartement block.

On the way back home, Jeonghan had already saved you clumsy butt from slipping and falling three times, and even pushed you away from drunk driver that was going way above speed limit. He even lent you his jacket to warp around your waist since the cold was hitting your bare legs. You mentally made a note to yourself to never wear shorts again while looking for Minty.

"Should I call the number that's on this flyer?" Jeonghan asked, holding up one of the sketches you made. You nodded your head yes. "Sure then, let's meet tomorrow at 17:00 at the park to begin the searches. I will call you." He smiled at you, bid you goodbye, and walked away till his silhouette disappeared.

You internally smiled at the new friend you made, your first. Mingyu is your first friend. You heard the little voice in your head say. He's not even my friend, he's my rival an enemy.

Yeah right, that's what you think.

You vigorously shook your head to chases the thoughts away. And went to your appartement.

After doing your stuff, you laid down on your bed, your mind juggling between three thoughts: Minty, Mingyu and the Jeonghan, the angel-like boy.

And his face matched his actions, he really was like an angel, a guardian angel. Your guardian angel.


Okay yall i suck at keeping promises x) a week extended to a three months and im super duper sorry bout that really

I kinda have the heart to write again because of your votes and comments , they reallly cheer me up and encourage me to write more and stuff so yeah if you want chapters comment and vote i would apreciate that alot really and yeah its kinda 3am here and im updating so brace yourself ( sorry if theres any mistakes or stuff as i said its 3am ) prolly be editing them later so yeah

Im not gonna promise anything or give exact dates buuut ill try to update soon so yeah take care little pandas i love you and thanks for your support to this story

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