diaper madness and teething

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Shadow was sleeping in his crib while sonic and blaze watched tv, shadow woke up 5 minutes later and said i didnt know i would be sleeping in this thing, i guess its time to cause some trouble, shadow then had to go to the bathroom because of all the milk he drank and the food he ate and didnt even know that he drank too much milk so he pooped and wet his diaper and then cryed because it felt really gross so he cryed harder and louder intill sonic heard him and blaze told him that he will deal with shadow, sonic said fine i will, sonic then walked up the stairs to shadows room and said whats wrong shadow just then he knew what was wrong by the terrible smell in the air and said aww man why do i have to do this he then went to shadow to pick him up, sonic then tryed to pick shadow up and shadow decided to kick him and scream at him but sonic somehow picked him up and shadow was crossing his arms and pouting while being held and when sonic was about to change his diaper shadow decided to kick him and scream at him again and was moving alot so sonic would have touble changing him that was when sonic said if you dont stop kicking me and moving alot i will leave you in that diaper intill tails gets back or blaze is calmed down and that will be a long time so whats your choice staying in that dirty diaper about waiting for a long time or letting me change you shadow was so mad right now and asked himself what he would do and he decided to let him change him and then tonight at midnight he will wake up and then cause trouble he then said to sonic fine do it sonic said okay with that said sonic used his super speed to change shadow then after he was changed he cryed because he felt something painful in his mouth where his teeth used to be but turned into baby gums which he didnt even know why he was crying it just was like him and he didnt even do it on purpose too sonic then said whats wrong now shadow pointed in his mouth while crying sonic still didnt understand what he was talking about so he took shadow downstairs after puting a binkey in his mouth to stop his crying which shadow hated put didnt care for some reason and sonic came up the blaze and said to her that he started crying and he pointed to his mouth and i dont know what he wants so i wanna ask you what he wants cause i dont know. Blaze said that shadows gums hurt so he needs a teether for it which the teether is in the freezer for him just in case this happens now go im watching a good movie sonic said thanks to her and ran to the freezer to grab the teether and then he went upstairs to shadows room and placed him in the crib with his teether and said heres a teether now use it, it will help your pain shadow took his binkey out and grabbed it and stared at it for a little bit then he felt the pain again and started crying again and shadow threw it at sonics face because he didnt want it because it was stupid and then sonic said shadow just take it you will feel better then shadow said no then sonic said okay thats it and then sonic shoved it in shadows mouth while he was crying and held it there intill shadow did something shadow stoped crying when it was shoved in his mouth shadow still didnt know what to do until sonic became impatient and sonic said just chew it already, shadow then knew what to do so he chewed on it and his mouth was feeling better everytime he chewed it sonic then lets go of it and leaves and shadow chewed on it while holding it and watched sonic leave and then shadow layed down and fell a sleep without knowing it.

Sorry about the weirdness guys but its fun to write this story lol and i did warn you about it in the description also shadow acts more like a baby because 1 he wants to drive sonic crazy which will happen in the next chapter and 2 because of the effects from the ray gun also sonic, tails and blaze are treating him like a baby and thought shadow would be droven crazy from it but shadow just wants to drive sonic crazy instead for all of these april fools days he had with them but was sonics fault because of sonic giving tails and blaze stuff that they want so sonic can get help pranking more like ruining shadows life because shadows house is the closest to them and their other friends are to far away from them so they do this stuff to shadow instead which shadow hates and is tired of all this stupid april fouls days so he is going to give sonic the taste of his own medicine for this and tails is still working on the ray gun because it keeps overloading anyways next chapter is tails is back and sleep

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