Marco Reus Imagine

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Marco Reus Imagine for ranii

"Marco! Why are you always injured," Rani yelled as Marco was being checked by the medical team, "don't you understand the feelings I am going through right now? I am so fucking worried about you okay? Everyday, I have to remind you to be careful. And now look what has happened! You might not play for months Marco! Months! Dortmund won't be the same without you!"

Marco sighed deeply with pain in his eyes. "It won't matter today." (He actually said that in a post match interview surprisingly.)

"Oh so you think it doesn't matter right? Fine. How would you feel if I was always hurt and if those injuries were stopping me from doing the thing I love? Wouldn't you worry? I know you love football okay? It's not even love. I know it's more than that. And now you are saying it doesn't matter? In that case go ahead. Get injured everyday. Tourture me Marco! GO AHEAD!" 

Rani was so mad that she lifted her hands in the air and walked off in tears.

"Fine Rani. Say whatever you want. It's not like I know when I'm going to be injured anyway. Of course, you don't understand the issues a footballer has, because you are just another stupid wag. Pft. Wags these days." Marco rolled his eyes and crossed his arms while not looking at Rani. 

"You're so spoilt Rani!" He yelled back at his girlfriend who was now his ex.

Despite whatever Marco said to Rani, Rani's heart slowly began to ache as she ran towards her blue car. All she ever meant through those words was for Marco to be happy, to be playing on the field with his teammates having fun. 

'It doesn't matter, yeah sure. If it doesn't matter why are you you? Why are you a footballer? Why would you work so hard to get to where you are if you don't care? What's the point of it all?' Rani said in her mind. At that point she didn't understand the point of view of the footballer. 

In the meantime, Marco, had tears swelling in his eyes. Finally realising what he had done, guilt was drowning him. He didn't have the guts to apologise to Rani, but at the same time, he wanted to convince himself and Rani that he was right the while entire time. 

Both knew they still loved each other, but both had their different points of views. They still cared for each other and both were broken by one's words. 

After a month passed since the break up, Erik and Pierre Emerick were setting Rani and Marco up knowing both still loved each other. 

"I just texted Marco to come to meet us here. Did you text Rani yet?" Erik asked. 

"Yeah, I just did. You know the plan right brother?" Erik nodded while licking his lips nervously. 

"What if it does work out - the plan?" Erik asked as he put his hands in his pockets. "Well, we'll come back and yeah try to calm them down and you know." He winked at the German. 

At six - thirty, Marco arrived first and came to Erik. "Hey Erik.  Where's Pierre Emerick?"

"I'm not sure. He's probably on his way. He said he'll be a little late though." 

Five minutes later, Pierre Emerick came into the restaurant with Rina next to him with her eyes swollen and red. Pierre Emerick winked at his mate, Erik. 

"Hey guys, Techel texted me while I was driving Rina saying he needed to talk to Erik and me. You know, about the diets and stuff like that. He said it won't take too long. "  Pierre - Emerick said. 

Marco and Rina rolled their eyes and sighed in annoyance. "Fine. But be quick." Marco snapped.

"Bye guys." Erik waved them off. 

After looking a few moments at the menu and avoiding eye contact, Rina called the waitress to get their orders. 


"Marco, don't say a word or else." Rina threatened.

"Rina, please. I'm so sorry for all the things I said last time we met. Those words hurt me too. Honestly, I never realised how much you cared about me. I take all those things I said back. You are not a spoiled wag like other girlfriends I had before or anyone in this whole entire universe." 

"Marco, I wish I can accept those words but-"

"What? Can't you see I am during my heart out? You were right, I know I should have listened. I know I was wrong. After you left, I had to convince myself that I was right but I couldn't. Please take me back. I'll do anything to repay you. I promise." Marco begged with tears blaring his vision. 

Rina rolled her eyes happily, "fine. But you better not mess up again okay? Marco freaking Reus." The couple smiled at each other lovingly as Erik and Pierre Emerick came back.

"Hey guys. So how did it go?" Pierre Emerick said.

"Hold on, you were stalking us the whole entire time?" Rina said.

"Yeah." Erik said innocently.

"Oh my god! So Tuchel didn't text you?" Marco yelled - whispered.

"Mhm." Pierre Emerick said bravely again. 

"Forget those two." Rina nudged Marco. "Thanks boys."

From then on, Rani and Marco were back together being a happy couple. A year later, they were married. The following year, they had a set of twin boys and they named them after Pierre Emerick and Erik.

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