just another day (stupid poem i wrote for school i thought id share with yall)

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Sun tingling on my face

Wind - Pushing me lightly

Pacing quietly, back and forth

Gravel crunching tediously

The bus hums in the distance

I'm always aware it's around the corner

Sometimes, wishing it wasn't


God, I dread that sound

Massive and yellow, it sits before me

Okay, breathe

In... Out

Climbing in and sitting down

A fresh, terrifying experience everyday

Headphones in

Blasting Journey's "Faithfully" in only one ear

The other bud broke somehow

"Circus life, under the big top world

We all need the clowns to make us smile"

We approach the only stop I ever take recognition of

A small, timid boy comes and anxiously sits beside me

Always whispering to himself, maybe he knows something we all don't

Something to give us peace

Fatigue, starting to set in

Head slowly, incrementally making its way to rest on the window

I close my eyes for a moment and the bus bumps repeatedly

Causing my head to bounce off the window slightly

I ponder what the day holds

I've got nothing - Didn't have my caffeine this morning

I force myself to let go

Just another day

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