Chapter Two: Not-So-Lonely Night

Start from the beginning

Aldis sighs, as if regretting not having the chance to beat me at another game. Perhaps he was hoping he would find a way to defeat me in less than the seven moves he used this time. "Sorry?" He asks, and it takes a moment for my alcohol-hindered mind to realize that he is referring to the game, not actually apologizing.

"Definitely," I agree, because that is the only game I have a chance of winning right now. It is straight-forward and requires very little planning, which is perfect for an alcohol-influenced mind. There might be some math involved, but addition and subtraction are not all that complicated.

He goes to my bedroom to locate the Sorry! box while I stuff the chess pieces back, none too gently, into their slots in the case. I am just setting the chess set aside when he puts the Sorry! box down between us on the living room rug. The setup takes all of thirty seconds, and then things start to become competitive, opposed to the one-sided annihilation earlier.

I had not been expecting any of this to happen, in all honesty. At most, I was expecting him to get handsy in the bathroom or invite me back to his place for a pleasant way to end the night. At least, I was expecting a nice conversation with a handsome guy over a few drinks before we would go our separate ways and probably never speak again. Instead, once the drinks started becoming too much for me, I received a polite offer to be walked home.

As someone who hears and sees the crimes committed on unsuspecting drunks, I was a bit wary about letting him see where I lived. But at the same time, if he is actually a creep – which I was not picking up at any point in our conversation, though that is not necessarily telling – he will just follow me home no matter what I say. At least this way I would not be constantly checking over my shoulder in fear. Plus, one should never walk home alone in the dark, especially around bars. Many crimes happen to those travelling alone on foot and I am just drunk enough to catch the attention of an opportunistic mugger, which is what I suspect Aldis was thinking as well.

Surprisingly, he had not tried to walk me all the way up to my apartment, but stopped at the complex's main doors to say goodbye. Along the walk, I had learned that he is actually staying at a hotel, which is ten blocks away and near a rather seedy area. The hotel is fine, but three of those ten blocks are horrible neighborhoods. He could have been lying, but since I am a witch – even if I try to hide it most of the time – and can protect myself from a human well enough after years of combat training, I invited him to stay the night. After all, I would rather not be the reason two of the detectives at my precinct have to investigate a robbery-turned-murder with Aldis starring as the victim.

The fact that he had been visible hesitant to accept the offer only made me more certain that I could...well, trust is too strong a word, but that he is a relatively safe person to invite into my home. I might still cast a few spells before bed just to make sure I am alerted if he tries anything I would not agree with.

When I invited him up, I was completely prepared to either have sex or some level of intimacy with him. What I was not prepared for was Aldis challenging me to a board game. And being the prideful person that I am, turning down the game was not an option and I immediately led him to my closet, which has ten or so different games for when my dad visits. My old man never could get into video games, so we stick to the classics.

"Sorry," I say unapologetically, putting one of his players back at his 'Start' while mine takes its place. He scowls, but is quick to get me back, placing two of his four pieces at 'Home' in three turns, giving him a lead over me.

Twenty minutes later, I am doing a very grace – definitely not graceful – victory dance in my living room. I had just barely beaten him, so I will admit to the victory going to my head, but only a little. And it is not like Aldis seems to mind, as he looks content to watch me do a jig. In fact, he seems to find it hilarious.

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