the one.

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You're going to realise she was the one.
When you're at that concert with your friends, the one you made forgotten plans to go to together, screaming the lyrics of that song that you both used to share together that held sacred meaning.

When you're pouring the milk into your coffee with two sugars, and remembering she never liked her coffee strong.

When your laid on your bed, the bed you used to share between your two hopeful bodies, watching her favourite movie about the city she's always longed to visit.

Whenever you cry, you will think back to the times she held you whilst running her hand through your hair, wiping away every last tear with the edge of her thumb.

When you're walking down the road by yourself, the one you always used to go to together, hand in hand, you'll stop dead and remember all the things she told you she hoped to become one day. All her plans, dreams and essences she had created in her lovely mind for her and for you.

When you're out wearing that jacket she used to like on you, it'll compel you to think of when she was fretfully cold at the park that unforgettable Autumn night. You tactfully took it off and wrapped it around her delicate shoulders and held her close.

Whenever you read a piece of literature, your memories will take over you whole and you'll think of her and her great intelligence. How she always wrote with such concentration, and the way she chewed the insides of her cheeks. How she strived with dedication. She talked about her ambitions with a burning passion in her saltwater eyes, and no-one could put out the fire.

Whenever you're laid in bed at night, staring up at the ceiling, cold and unaided, you're going to think of how she held you, like she was scared to let go, soft hair that smelled of vanilla brushing against your cheek, and you're going to realise -

She was the one

- you was always the one.


author's note:

I just want to thank you all for 1k reads on this book! I genuinely never expected to get even ten views, never mind this many especially in around 2 weeks, like wth ?? but tysm to everyone who votes and comments and all that, it means more than i can say xx

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