Burn Baby - Axel

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Why is it that every once in a while I just can't seem to fall asleep? Whether I lay on my back, side or on the belly, it just seems impossible for me to drift off. Sometimes I even try to suffocate myself by stuffing my face in the pillow... Maybe I should try to knock myself out with a heavy book or something? Or maybe it is because I just drank a bit too much alcohol?

In the mids of my absurd turmoil on the bed, somehow I noticed a noise coming from the kitchen. I knew it was long ago that my friends left my home after our little house party and I remember that I locked the front door. I really hoped that my mind was playing tricks on me, because before going to bed, I took few additional shots of tequila that my friend donated me before he left. I wobbled awkwardly out of my room and down the stairs holding a baseball bat, prepared for the worst. There is no way I'm gonna let someone steal from me.

Sneaking in the shadows along the walls of the hallway, my movements barely made any sounds. When I reached the door to the kitchen, I peeked my head over the edge and scanned my surroundings. The only light that was present was coming from the open fridge. Squinting my eyes, the intruder became more visible as I adjusted my sight to the poorly illuminated room. A tall red haired male dressed in what seemed to be a long black coat, was digging through the stocked piles of food. When his hand reached a plate with the last piece of my favorite cake, I rushed out of my hideout boiling with anger and rage.

"Don't you dare to eat that you creep of a burglar!"

He jumped in surprise and turned around. "Make one more step towards that plate and I promise you that you won't get out from this house as a man!" I said holding the bat ready in the air.

"Aaaah, miss... please let me explain!" he backed away from the refrigerator, frightened there would be more sweets that the girl is severely trying to protect.

"I don't need an explanation why you're in my house trying to eat the blessed last piece of the Schwarzwalder Kirschentorte. When you open my fridge without asking you are gambling with your life!" I stepped forward and swung the bat furiously in his direction. Seeing that my movements are much sloppier than his abilities, he easily dodged it but nonetheless, didn't lower his guard. There is no guarantee what a woman is capable of when someone steps between her and food.

"Please! Have mercy! I didn't eat anything!" he stood in the other corner of the kitchen, his hands put up protectively in front of him.

After a few moments passed, I recollected myself and calmed down.

"You can have the leftovers in the tupperware..." I lowered the bat but didn't put It away immediately. I may have been drunk but he still appeared in my home in the middle of the night.

"I am listening. If you manage to entertain me, I just might not call the cops."

He munched happily the leftover risotto while sitting on the kitchen counter.

"So umm... I may have happened to set the Organization's kitchen on fire this time when I tried to cook something and they banished me out in this realm as punishment."


"Long story, just imagine a bunch of handsome guys (like me) wearing weird occult clothing in a different dimension and kidnapping people." He explained waving the spoon in an elegant manner.

"Sure..." I felt dizzy for a moment so I leaned on the wall for support.

"You okay? Need help?"

"Naah, just had some booze before going to bed but it seems it is still in effect."

"Is there some left?"

"Aren't you a bit too forward?"

"Maybe? Doesn't hurt to try unless you decide to swing that bat again." He showed with the spoon at my weapon of choice, put down the plate and hopped down the counter.

"I highly doubt I would manage to hit you. By the way, you didn't introduce yourself mister."

"Axel, Organizations number 13, got it memorized?" he bowed.

"The booze is in the counter behind you Axel." I put the bat down and turned away from him, starting to walk towards the stairs.

"My room is on the upper floor on the left, don't take too long."

He got lucky. Really lucky.

"Yes mam."

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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