Captive - Eustass Kid

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A girl ran down the halls of the Kid pirates ship holding a rope and wearing a panicked expression.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. He's soooo gonna kill me this time."

She tried being as quiet as she could because no one could find out that she managed to knock out her captain. Lulu was known for her misbehaviour and pranks. With her around, constant accidents happened because she was a very clumsy child. But there was also a factor that made every situation even more worse than it could be: those were her rash decisions. Once she started panicking, only more misfortune was bound to happen. And this particular case was probably the worst one ever.

She didn't remember how she managed to knock out Kid but there was no doubt that a punishment would follow. In that moment, there was only one way out of the trouble that came to her mind: she had to hide the unconscious captain and bind him to a stool so that when he wakes up, she won't be immediately chased after. A small glint of hope also lied in the possibility that he would think that he drank too much alcohol and somehow managed to tangle himself up in the narrow closet. But the percentage for such a positive outcome was VERY low.

Lulu carefully entered the broom closet and flicked a small lamp on. She wasted no time and tied the unfortunate redhead to the stool he was resting on. A grunt escaped his lips as he felt the rope tightening around him and slowly started to wake up. After putting a cloth over his mouth to prevent him from making any loud noises and attracting people, the dark haired girl hasty stood up to exit the dim lighted room but came instantly to a halt after hearing voices just outside the doors.

There were only two options left: leave the broom closet and risk being seen by some of the crew mates or deal with the wrath of the devil himself behind her.

No sane person would choose the latter, but the universe obviously had other plans with her.

Someone dropped outside the door a large pot, the loud noise making her flinch and stumble backwards. Her foot caught itself on the captains boot and she fell backwards, successfully landing on his lap.

Worst. Day. Ever.

Eustass squeezed his eyes a bit at the impact, adjusting his sight to the darkness.

"Mmpf!" he glared at her, remembering what happened only a few moments earlier.

"Did you hear something?" a guy spoke at the other side of the door and Lulu unconsciously crawled up the lap in fear, hitting her back on Kid's firm chest,  still straddling him.

Her body trembled in fear. She didn't know what she did to deserve such a cruel fate. Thousand thoughts raced in her head, one worst than the other and for a moment she even forgot to breathe. She hung her head low in despair, hands clutched tightly on the captains pants, while his uneven breaths made her slowly realize that he was no longer unconscious. 

Lulu shifted uncomfortably in her spot, afraid to look him in the eyes. Turning a little bit around, she met his fierce gaze, but it wasn't the same she was used to see. Something was different and that made her even more scared. Her legs lost support for a moment and she slipped a little bit to the side, but somehow she managed to prevent herself from falling down. 

What she didn't know was that that all her movements from the moment she found her back pressed against his muscles were making him a hard time focusing. Why? Simply because her butt was all that time on his crotch, pressing it softly and brushing against it.

Unaware of her deeds, once she felt his hot breath on the side of her neck, she flinched.  

"Sorry cap', but I really had no other choice." The two of them exchanged looks from the corners of their eyes, neither wanting to keep the contact for too long. 

In the next minute, Lulu managed to relax a bit after accepting her fate and leaned completely on his torso, resting the back of her head on his shoulder. She released a heavy sight and took a moment before she spoke: 

"I want to ask you something so please don't start yelling when I remove the cloth."

Eustass looked at her puzzled and nodded a single time. She turned around on his lap and untied the cloth, ready to inquire him.

"You shitty asshole will pay for all of this... "

"We will see about that cap' " she retorted playfully and stuck her tongue out to mock him even more.

Taking a moment to form her question, she rested her hand on his chest caressing slightly his skin. His instant tremble didn't go unnoticed by her.

"Captain, do you think that it's wrong that a subordinate falls for it's superior? Like... what would the others say about such a thing?" she shifted her hands slowly on his torso and placed them around his neck, never breaking the contact. She pulled herself closer to him, moving her hips onto his shaft once again, pressing into him ever so slightly.

No man could resist such levels of teasing, and Kid was one of them. He wished that his hands weren't tied up so he could ravish her body instead. Aware of his sinful thoughts, he let himself enjoy the warmth and scent that eradiated from her.

"That is for the captain to decide..." he answered adjusting himself so he could feel better Lulu's movements on him. She blushed quiet a bit, but remained composed to continue her remaining thoughts he eagerly awaited. "I... I liked you for a longer time cap'..." she whispered the words that only he could hear.

"I noticed that long ago. But your clumsiness happened to be a big nuisance to approach you." he chuckled and continued "You always sneak a peek at me when you catch the chance and blush along the way. Just like you're doing it right now." he mocked her with a hoarse voice and Lulu gasped jerking a little bit backwards, arms still on him. 

"You try to act tough because we're pirates, but you can't fool yourself all the time. You are a female so act like one for fucks sake." he hissed lowly gaining dominance over the situation at last. 

"Well, I-I'm trying right now..." her head dropped down in embarrassment upon hearing the truth.

"As your captain I order you to untie me." he straightened in the chair to state his command "And we will go then to my cabin to discuss your... punishment for all this shit you did."

The words left his lips like a spell binding her to obey. She couldn't refuse to follow his orders, no matter what.

"Aye, captain..." 


Woohooo another chapter!!
I think that this is the fastest that I managed to publish two chapters in a row xD

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed so vote and comment pwuease :3

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