Sometimes things have to go worng in order to go right

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She was worried, it's been 2hrs here at hospital but doctors have not came out nor nurses gave any information about abhi, hospital dean had called Dr Nikhil, who was best neurologist, after some time she called Purab n dadi, but Purab said he will come by noon as he was in Shimla n dadi, she was already weak to witness all this, she told Pragya that she can't come as what will she tell to pari, n ask her to update everything, she then called Suresh n informed him that she was coming to Australia but while coming something happened to abhi n now he is admitted to hospital, n ask him to come back as soon as possible, to he said he is coming by next available flight
After nearly half an hour more, Dr Nikhil came n informed he is in coma, n told he had warned before also not to stress him out about his past then why???
She was totally shocked n cuts in,"what do you mean??
"Mr Mehra is my old patient, he had memory loss few years back"
"But me remembers me, I mean I met him after 6yrs n he still remembers me"
"Ya of course but he had lost only 1-2yrs of his life,
Pari was nine months, he was going to doctor as she was suffering from high fever n he panics n drive roughly n met with accident, he had suffered head injuries but Pari was safe in back seat of car,
After almost 10hrs, he got conscious
"What happened??? Why I am here??
"You met with accident "
"Where is ..." ( what abhi meant was his driver)
"It's miracle, your daughter survived accident n she is doing well"
"What are you talking about??? I'm single, I don't have kids"
Dr Nikhil gets suspicious that maybe he lost his memory
"Let me ask you something, what is today date???"
"What type of question is this, it's 10 June 2012"
Reality was it was October 2014, so I'm right he has lost some part of his memory, n his daughter is only 8-9 months so that's why he doesn't remember her
"Hello doctor, are you still here or in dreamland "
"I'm going to tell you something but pls don't panic, or take stress, it's not good for you ( shows mobile calendar) you have loss your memory of past 1-2yrs,"
"How can that be possible, you are joking right???"
"No, pls clam down "
"That's means I'm married??? Am I married to Pragya???" N he faints
Nurse comes n tells Nikhil that Abhi's dadi had came to see him,
"What happened??? Is my grandson alright??"
Nikhil was little surprised that why she was not asking for baby
"Ya, he is fine n so is your great granddaughter"
"What??? When did that happened??"
Just then Purab comes
"Look Purab, this doctor has gone insane, he is telling I'm having great granddaughter also"
He ask Nikhil to go n tells he will handle her, n he goes
"Dadi don't worry everything is going to be fine"
Makes her sit, n tells, remember that day I called you n abhi at my hospital but he didn't turn up even after 3-4days, n you went back to Amritsar but when he came back, he said he met with accident, n brought baby along with him because her parents were dead in that same accident
"Oh that's why... but that was almost 9 months back, n why he has been hiding this from me??"
"Maybe he was afraid that you might not allow to keep her,"
Just then nurse came n gave Pari in dadi's hand, she quickly holds dadi fingers
"What's her name???"
"She is very beautiful just like Pari ( angels)"
"But dadi now abhi has lost his memory of past 1-2 yrs n has forgot about Pari "
"Don't worry, I will take care of Pari n also make sure he accept her,"
Both wait for abhi to get conscious again
After while abhi wakes up after hearing Pari crying, there was no one in that room, he goes slowly towards her n was surprised that she stopped crying just by looking at him as if she knows him, he then forward his pointer finger to touch her but she grabs it n started sucking it, he was amazed by her, n thinks she must be hungry n calls nurse
She comes n takes Pari
"She is very sweet " dadi comes in n tells
"Ya very sweet, who's kid is this??"
"Yours, "
"You have adopted her, last year you had met with accident n in that same accident her parents died, so you took her responsibility, today also you were driving rough because she was having high fever n you panic n wanted to reach here fast"
"Really, I may have forgot her, but she still remembers me, she is mine, my daughter "
Flashback ends
She thinks how many times he had accidents, why does he even drives
"So how are you related to him??"
"I'm Pragya, I'm his ( long pause) friend"
"Pragya Arora!!"
"Ya, how do you know??"
"I have heard your name many times from him, he loves you a lot,"
"Really ?? He told you??"
"Something are not told but felt, "
"But it doesn't matter if it was love or friendship when it ends your heart breaks " she excused herself n went inside n sit next to abhi
"I'm sorry, I didn't wanted to freak you out, I just wanted to tell everything, step by step, I wanted to clear all misunderstanding, I know you have adopted Pari, just in frustration I told I will take you to court n that Pari is my baby, but if our baby was alive then he would have same as Pari, I had name him prabhi, mixture of our name, I so wanted you to be by my side that unfortunate day when I loss our son, right in my hands, I'm sorry I curse you for that, actually mistake was mine, I should have told you, at least when I came to India, that I'm pregnant with your child, I was afraid that you might not accept me n baby, you only left that letter, but I should have not give up on you, I should have confronted you, rather then just cursing you, it's all my mistake" she kept on saying something or other n dose off,
Soon Purab n dadi arrived, while she was still sleeping, Purab goes to Dr Nikhil
"How is he now??"
"he is in comma, I had told not to stress him about his past but..."
"What happened pls tell??"
"Don't know when n what happened, I was called here 3hrs back, Pragya Arora was with him, I think she has all answers "

Hope you like it
Happy reading

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