Chapter 3 .

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I finally took the time to get my head together & i realized .. I AM bisexual . I couldn't give up the feeling of a warm p*ssy but , i'm lowkey startin to like guys . I have HUGE crush on my homie Kamal but , i kinda feeling Tariq since that convo we had in the locker room last week .. Ion know who to pick , Kamal been my nigga since day one & ion think he even gets down like that . I wish he did ..

*Phone rings*

Before even lookin at the caller i.d. i answered my phone

Me : hello ?

?? : Hey .

Me: who is this ?

?? : this is tariq the boy fron the locker room

Me: ohh , wassup bro .

Tariq : chillin , what you doing today ?

Me: nothin , why ?

Tariq: wanna chill ?

Me: sure , where at ?

Tariq : my place .

Me: okay , text me your address .

Tariq: okay , cone over in an hour .

Me : iight .

*End of Phone Call*

That was random .. I wonder how he got my number ? Why did he all of a sudden wanna chill ? Well , no time to think about all that i needa go get ready .

Tariq POV

YES ! Tra is coming over ! Idgaf what Kamal said Tra will be mine ! I needa get something to wear .. I walked over to my closet & pulled out my short sleeve shit that says Boss on it in Blue letters put on some blue sweatpants & my gamma 11s .. I got in the shower then lotioned & put on my outfit & by that time Tra was at my door , i ran downstairs to answer it & there was his fine ass standing behind the door cheesin hard ..

"Come in" i said happily .

Kamal POV

I'm bored at this house , lemme text Tra & see what he doing

*Texts Tra*

PimpDaddyK : Say bro , Wyd ?

BigDaddyTra : Nothin , Chillin w/ Tariq , you ?

And with that i got pissed off .. Why tf' is he with Tariq ? I warned him to stay away from Tra but , now he's gonna have to learn the hard way !

"Bitches wanna play games , bet ." I said to myself quietly .

PimpDaddyK : Imma come over there ..

BigDaddyTra : Okay , lemme know when you outside ..


Owwweee ! The drama ! What y'all think so far ?

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- What is Kamal gonna do when he gets to Tariqs house ?

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-- Mekhi . 👌

Never Ending Love .Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin