//part four\\

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My eyes flutter open, my heart hammered against my chest before my thoughts flow in. My eyes was on my ceiling.

Did I hit my head? Was it a dream?
My breathing was heavy. I felt like I was suffocating.

"Dear?" Doris boomed in my room, how had she knew I was up?

The thought of Dan's lips against mine pass by. I crazily scan my body if I were touched.

"What's the matter you look drained." Doris clasp her palms together and began staring at me. She was gave off the sense that she wanted answers.

"What's today?"

"It's still Wednesday."

"Okay, what happen?"

"I was going to ask you. You came home without a word, dazed and walked straight to your room. Your Nana was. . as if. .  waiting for your appearance and tugged you to bed."

"My Nan?" She never spoken a word merely to me or even knowledge my presence.

"Are you alright? Do you remember any of it-"

"It's fine, ofcourse came home from an headache. " My mouth arched forward "It must be the new medication." I stare towards the drawers where I keep my meds, maybe..

"Oh and. . there is tea down stairs. If you'd like some." She pointed to look for another word but replace it to an question.

I stare bluntly, She was out the door and I was left with greater questions.

Doris had always waited for me to come home and made sure I ate fully. Nana wasn't barly at the table if I were there.

My memory came in a flood.
Nana told me I look of him.

The first time I met her she had nothing to say but to blink away tears and mutter he toke my daughter away from me. In wrath. And you are his gift to remind me.

I tore away the thoughts.

"Perhaps I should go to college and ditch Nan." I mutter to myself and shake my head. I let myself fall back onto my double bed. I don't have the heart to do something has rash like that.

I grab my only gift of my mother and clenched it to my chest. It was nearing spring and I was still in my blue coat. Ripping the coat off and racing to my door as I closed it and let myself sink in the melody of the music box that was small the size of my palm, the thing was heavy weighted by the steel and jewelry so lovely and beautifully decorated.

Inside were of a steel silver fairy that was dancing and with it's hand out holding an jewel that was decorative of a flower.

The jewel was a glowing color of yellow.
It turned around in a cycle of the melody that I cannot figure out the music that it came from. It seemed to be from a harp. But it was a box. A music box how on earth have crafted it to be..

I sank into my bed and fell asleep to the melody.

While I walk down the path of the light rain, I done my usual mornings- if I can: walk down the neighborhood

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While I walk down the path of the light rain, I done my usual mornings- if I can: walk down the neighborhood.

How I yearn for trees or nature in fact. Surrounded by metal and people. Both exchange bitterness.

I missed home. Where trees greeted me and the silent walks amongst myself.

I couldn't stand the first weeks here in Brooklyn now in the streets of an other unknown area my Nan had choosed to live. Was my downfall.

Dan's eyes burned into mine.

I shiver at the thought the uncharted place I was swept in. Floating as if.

It was like an endless abyss I cannot remember.

I hadn't contact or seen Dan since the incident. Didn't want to sound crazy. But it happen and in fact two men were also in the room. I think. No I know.

  scraping at the ground with the tip of my shoe while lost in deep thought.
I hadn't noticed Derekk. Yes with two k's the owner of the sandwich club. Was staring at me in concern.

I drone myself out and everything fell from thick tension. I and Derekk made no contact with one another. Since I asked for directions to the ice cream polar jokingly. And he taken it as. it was.

He seemed more focused over shoulder, then I realized, I was staring at him dumbfully. He gave me a wryly smile before continuing on.

I decided to go back but then my stomach gave. And I went to the awkwardness.

"Hey. Still open?"

He fume with delight..

"Ofcourse. Until midnight." He was shuffling flyers.

"What are those for?" I ask.

"Oh. Events, catching up so I'll be open and making specials on those dates."

"Oh that sounds good"

"Yeah." I catch a few tattoos while his sleeve were up.

"Never taken you for tattoos"

He smiles genuinely at the statement.

"My mother didn't either."

I snorted with blank laughter. But it hadn't last long while my mind roamed to my mother.

"Jarrod and Tim would be working the front." Derekk inform. "The two. Gahh" His Italian voice danced along his tongue while shaking his head.

Jarrod and Tim were his sisters sons.
I smiled, it was always funny to catch them.

While the doors chime both boys greeted me. "Oyee, what would you like to order?" Tim said deep with his voice.

"Ay! Leave the guest -" Jarrod sprung from behind the table where you choose your toppings and bread. He stopped midway in his sentence watching me carefully.

"Hi, guys" I say lifting my hand to reach for my wallet. Tim blurts out Italian, Jarrod watched over his shoulder.

"Graceful." Jarrod says has Tim places an order for an women ahead of me. Teasing Tim.

"Can you hurry, I need to catch the subway." The women implies.

"And you came here for an sandwich? My you can eat. Ay our family literally will shovel food into your mouth if you ever to come over." Jarrod flirts.

"She meant the actual subway train." Tim grunted as he was the intelligence and Jarrod the flirts, I like to think anyway.

The twins were good company.

But while I wait, I couldn't shake off the intensity that was burning into the back of my head.

But while I wait, I couldn't shake off the intensity that was burning into the back of my head

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Question time!;

What did you think?, do you believe that it was a dream or?.. comment your statement/opinion.

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