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YOUR audience is the real key to your Watty success. Just ask the  biggest stars of Wattpad who pay careful attention to the kind of people their book is aimed at. 


Your audience can be defined as the group of readers who would most love your book. So if you're writing fan-fiction, you'll probably be writing for an audience of younger readers who enjoy the band/show/characters you are writing about. If you're writing complex literary fiction, you're probably writing for an audience of readers who enjoy writing style with an underlying message. You get the idea.


Easy-peasy. Just do your research before you finish writing. Get an idea of the kind of person you would like to be reading your work and then write with that person in mind. For example, you wouldn't include horror scenes in a book aimed at children... (obvious stuff!) 

TOP TIP:  Make sure you tag your stories correctly on wattpad, not only with #wattys2017, but also with the genres that fit your story best. This will help your book reach the kind of readers who are most likely to  love and support your book.

5 TOP TIPS BEFORE YOU SUBMIT: WATTYS2017Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant