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The next morning, Fred, George, Trent, and Hazel had been eating breakfast in the cleaned up hall.

"Christmas isn't the same..." Hazel moped.

"I know, Haze..." Fred sighed.

George sat quiet and played with his cereal.

"You gonna talk, mate?" Trent spoke as George looked up.

Trent kept the same expression and George stood up with anger and stormed away.

It was then that McGonagall came rushing in.

"Hey," Trent nudged Hazel and Fred.

"Oh, thank goodness I found you three," she said.

"Any news?" They eagerly asked.

"Dumbledore found her, and-"


"Dumbledore would like to speak to you all. Follow me please," she said as they jumped out of their seats and raced to the large gargoyle.

"Sorbet Lemon," McGonagall said as the secret spiral staircase was shown to the friends. They quickly headed up and knocked impatiently on the doors.

Dumbledore opened them and they all began asking questions.

"Silence!" He hollered.

"Have a seat," he insisted.

The three of them sat and listened.

"Before I begin, does Mr. Weasley wish to listen too?" He asked.

"Oh..um.." Hazel looked at the two.

"Not now...he's quite upset." Fred said.

"But this is good news. He found her!" Trent argued.

Fred sighed.

"Yeah find him, professor," Fred said.

After minutes of waiting, George came bursting through the doors and sat next to Fred.

"Good morning, Mr. Weasley. Now, as you know, I have found Willow, and-"

"How is she?" George asked.

"She's alright. No harm. Now, I believe it is wise to explain what has happened. You see, back many many years ago, the Elementile Curse was created by an ancient Romanian witch. And this curse gives any other witch the power to control four elements at once. In Willow's case, it was fire, air, ice, and earth. The fire was used last night, as you know and that element is called Thermokinesis."

"But didn't she use her wand?" Fred squinted.

"Yeah," Trent sat up, "It was her wand, I clearly saw that."

"Or so you thought." Dumbledore replied, leaving the group of teens to remain silent once again.

"She used her air element, called Aeroportation, to use the air to transport herself to her current location. She used her ice powers, called Cryokinesis, to destroy the flames created when she ran away last night at her location. And lastly, Terrakinesis, her earth element, was used to reconstruct an old abandoned home she came across, and it happens to be her current living estate," Dumbledore explained.

"But how did she get this?" Hazel asked.

"This is why I asked you, Mr. Weasley. The piece of jewelry she had on last night held the curse in it. How it holds it? What is the history behind it with the witch that created the curse? That I am afraid I do not know. All I know is that Willow is stuck with these powers, until we find the way to remove them."

"And you don't know?" Trent asked.

"No," he shook his head.

"Sir, what caused her to create the flames last night?" George asked.

"The fire only appears when she is angry, Mr. Weasley. She told me, herself. She can't create flames when she isn't angry. When she tries, she gets ice,"

"What did Viper say last night?" George asked sternly.

"We don't believe he had anything to do with it,"

George scoffed.

"Sir, where is she now?" Hazel asked.

Dumbledore sighed, trying to decide if he should tell them.

"Please sir?"

"Hazel, my dear, as much as you want to help and speak to her, I must tell you that is is absolutely dangerous and life-risking to go there now..."

"Just please, sir!"

"If I tell you, you must promise me not to go visit her, do you understand?"

She nodded.

"She found the home her mother and father were murdered in at Godric's Hallow..."

"Godric's Hallow? What's that?" Trent asked.

"A small ancient town founded by none other than Godric Gryffindor. It's been known that only true Gryffindors live there." Dumbledore explained.

The doors burst open.

"Professor Dumbledore, sir! I have ter speak ter yer! I's heard bout Willow! Tell me everythin'!" Hagrid begged.

"Very well. You are all excused," Dumbledore said to them.

Chosen ~ a George Weasley love story (BOOK 1) *complete*Where stories live. Discover now